XXXX Acct Type: Collection Account Acct Status: Open Monthly Payment: N/A Date Open: Mar, 2000 Balance: $14,905 Terms: N/A High Balance: N/A Limit: N/A Past Due: N/A Remarks: Placed for collection Payment Status: Collection account This is on my TU report. I leased a building from the OC in 1994. I stayed there for 1 year and leased a larger building. Everything was paid in full and left in good shape. I havent heard from or seen this person since 1995. I have this now on my credit report which is hurting my credit. I never have heard anything from the CA. even though they were hired by this person in 2000. Im not sure how to handle this, I do not owe this money, the date opened on this report is 6 years off. I want this off my report. I have no records going back that far, so If I wake the CA up and they sue me, Im not sure how I would defend myself. So Im not sure what the best thing to do....???
1* I have no records going back that far, 2*If I wake the CA up and they sue me, Im not sure how I would defend myself. =================== 1*How could you be expected to have records on something that was made up? 2*Take the offensive not the defensive !
You don't even know the CA was "hired", or that the original landlord is even involved. What if his records were screwed up? What if he went bankrupt, and all "assets" were sold off? SOL doesn't apply just to consumers, it also applies to business suits.
Im from Mo. I think the SOL is 10 years for a written contract. And I know this person is still in business. But you are right I need to go on the offensive, this is really dragging My TU score down. Im going to send a validation letter. it just made me a little nervous with that size of a collection. Thanks for your input.