Help on getting Sears credit card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by w.gregan, Dec 2, 2002.

  1. w.gregan

    w.gregan Member

    It seems that Sears pulls mostly Equifax. My fico score on Equifax is a 650 and I have a couple derogs on it. Should I dispute these derogs with Equifax and then go apply for the credit card with Sears? It's seems like my score goes up when I dispute items. Thanks for any help.
  2. jswede4722

    jswede4722 Member

    It will help your score if you dispute. Sears is a menace credit card and I have had it out with their corporate with misplaced payments, lack of cooperation and never mailed statement. I was glad to rid of that card.


  3. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    When I was trying to get them to report my account correctly, they pulled TU on me (and I didn't even apply!). You may wanna check to get a better idea. (I'm in PA).

  4. jshimmer

    jshimmer Well-Known Member

    Just manage everything at

    Now -- there's no excuse for a "missing statement" or a "misplaced payment". Do it all online.

    And this applies to all Sears cards, including their Mastercard.
  5. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    the only way that disputing will help you is if the decision is score driven, if someone looks at the report for review, the derogs will be there,
  6. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    I was turned down by sears a month or two ago.. had they pulled equifax for me.. had 647 no derogs
  7. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    Here in Iowa, they have always pulled TransUnion. So I am guessing if you are in the midwest somewhere, they will pull TU.
  8. gaznthren

    gaznthren Member

    Check your mail soon. They'll be mailing you an application for their visa card at a laughable interest rate. It happened to me last year.
  9. Mbey

    Mbey Member

    In my experience Sears is very easy. I applied there when I had absolutely NO credit, my file was actually started by them and they gave me $600 available credit from the start.

    Hope this helps
  10. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    hehe thx but they mailed me the standard rejected you foolish no credit having personP already had their inquiry bumped off:)
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I had NO limit increase for many years with SEARS...they do AR'S every month and somebody here said they DON'T do a "HARD" I went ON-LINE and filled out the form...DENIED...AND THEY DID A "HARD" (TRANS UNION)!!!
  12. daruler

    daruler Well-Known Member

    sears sucks. they always pull EQ for me and deny me. its easier to get a citi than a sears card.
  13. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    They don't do a hard on line IF when you request the increase they don't ask for any info. If they request a bunch of info, it sounds like they pull the hard. I've seen this w/ other companies too. It seems like as soon as they want you to fill out another form w/ income info, etc. then a hard will be pulled. I think that you might have noticed this regarding "preapprovals" as well b/c you referred to it in another thread.
  14. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    P.S. To the OP-
    Unless you're an avid Sears shopper, you probably don't need their card. I've read a bunch of posts here where their CS was a nightmare to work with and in my own expereince it took several months to have a return credited to my acct when the cashier messed up in the store. I had the receipts to prove it but it still took many phone calls and several faxes to get $9.99 properly credited to my acct. And it seemed like CS had noted in the computer that I was some kind of trouble maker b/c whichever rep I got was rude to me from the beginning of each call re this matter.
    I only keep Sears open b/c they're one of my oldest accts.
  15. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    You couldn't pay me to apply for Sears again. They have turned me down left and right, time after time. I had a 682 EQ with no derogs and *still* could not get approved. With their interest rate, its just as well. I've decided now its Amex or Well...actually, I do want to add Chase to my portfolio.

  16. guppas

    guppas Well-Known Member

    I have a Sears card and it's not used. (As George would say, "It's in the sock drawer.") I think the only thing worse than their products (even the Crapsman tools) is their customer service. I have stories about a treadmill that would strike fear into any consumer's heart. My advice is to stay away from them.
  17. zerodown

    zerodown Well-Known Member

    You can have my card and my tradeline. Opened in 1984, my first cc except maybe a gas card. All you'll have to do is fix the charge-off and you're good to go. (They refused to allow a return/exchange of a defective item and I refused to pay.)

  18. zerodown

    zerodown Well-Known Member

    Maybe we need to start a support group for those of us with Searsitis.

  19. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    I agree with you. Sears has denied me for years. And I have a lot of platinum cards with more than 10k each (BofA, Chase, Citi, MBNA, etc.)
  20. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member

    A close relative of mine got a Sears card last year after purchasing a house. Her scores were mid 500's. She purchased all new appliances for the new house.


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