Hello Everyone, Around Christmas I received notices from EQ that there were changes to my CR. I wen online to get an update of my report and got the message, "Sorry... Status Code:XXXX, Error Code:XXXX" I called to find out what the problem was and was routed to the Bangalore India call center which was no help. After a week I finally got some one here in the US who was rude so I canceled the service (not a good idea because I can't get to my last 12/26 archived CR and I didn't print it). I talked to another person and they said to fax in a copy of my DL and SS card and this would fix the problem. While away on a family emergency I got this email back: I called back yet again and spoke to someone else who was helpful and was told "I'm getting a error message that says 'No Match to SSN'. It looks like you have a mixed file. Call Consumer Affairs and they may be able to help you". I'm calling them tomorrow 1/7/2008, but my expectations are low. I also pulled my annual free credit report. No problems getting them from EX and TU but again the problem with EQ. Right now I'm in the process of writing up and ITS to EQ that I plan to send to their legal department for failure to comply with FCRA/FACTA. Has anyone run into the "Mixed File" problem? Has anyone ever filed an ITS because of this? Are there any GOOD sample letters that deal with this? I would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. A
First, you're wasting your time with an ITS. Killpatrick, Stockton and King will just laugh at that. Second, you would need to suffer damages before you would even have an actionable claim. We've filed Complaints against Equifax for failing to disseminate online reports to creditors. Usually pulls in about 5 to 10 but, it is not an easy case to prove up. Really not worth the time. Write Equifax (in Atlanta) a letter stating that you cannot access your reports and neither can anyone else. Include a copy of your DL's and SSN card insofar as they will request it. They should fix it.
I have had a split file with TU that occurred just shortly after disputing old names & addys. The result was they removed all TL's associated with my prev name. I called TU and they denied I had a split file and said I only had one. After a couple of monthes the tradelines all eventually trickled back. Just recently I attempted to pull my 3 in one credit report from Privacy Matters and got a "account temporarily suspended" message. I called them & they verified my id and unlocked but when I tried again it locked me out again. I called yet again and they transferred me to TU who said that my SSN was incorrect, it was one digit off. I asked how did that happen & he said a creditor must have reported the SSN wrong but that he fixed it. So I was transferred back to PM who said the fixed info would have to update & to call if I could'nt get in after 24 hrs. Well I got busy & didn't check till tonight but I am still locked out. Ggggrrr, more phone time incoming. Long story short, have you recently done any disputes? Had any new accounts reporting? I would call consumer affairs tomorrow before you start sending letters, it may be something that can be resolved via phone. CRA's are a pita no doubt. Good luck Tegleg
Thanks Teg and Apex, I did send them a copy of my SS card and DL to no avail. I'll try again though. I have not done any disputes for quite a while and have not done any excessive (once per day) pulls on my CR. It seems to me that if FCRA/FACTA says that I'm entitled to one free CR per year and due to their incompetence and computer systems, I can't get it, then there should be some remedy. Consulting with an FCRA lawyer this PM. Thanks, A
It may come down to contacting Equifax's counsel if you've already sent all the documentation. While you're certainly correct that they can't refuse you a credit report or a potential creditor, litigation is not necessarily the way to go here if you can avoid it. I'll be more than happy to convey the necessary info to your attorney should he need it in terms of getting you back online. For what it's worth, this is a very common problem for Equifax and there is no real definitive reason as to why it happens.