Help! Please.. Another problem

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by litlmama17, Mar 5, 2002.

  1. litlmama17

    litlmama17 Member

    Hi again,
    I have another problem regarding mom's credit card problem. The man that has been giving her such a hard time, now says I got the credit card in her name. He called her and she told him she needed to see some type of documents showing that she got this card. He told her he couldn't do that it would cost him $17 per sheet. She told him she had talked to someone and if he couldn't send her proof it was her card to quit calling. He called back later saying that a person at this phone # had gotten the card. Before she thought about what she said ,she said oh, that is my daughters #.He said that is it then your daughter got the card in your name. You have to western union me at least part of the payment and post date checks for the rest today. If you don't do it today you will go to jail or your daughter will. So you need to give me your checking account info so this won't happen. She hung up on him. About an hour later he called her work and the secretary told him she couldn't have calls at work. He told her that was fine he was just around the corner he would catch her when she got off. She is terrified. What now. By the way, he did tell her he worked for a law firm that bought the account. I really need your help this time. Thanks again..........
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    There is no creditors jail, so she has nothing to worry about. The good thing is the secretary was tol he would catch her when she leaves work, which I would consider harrassment.
    Send a C&D letter as well as a validation letter. Did your mom actually open this account? If not she has nothing to worry about. Have her keep a pen and paper by the phone and document every call she gets from this guy. Make sure you send that letter CRRR and once he signs for it, keep tabs on the violations.
  3. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    Debtor's prison as an American institution was ended during the Jacksonian Era, roughly 1829 to 1841. Today, no one needs to fear going to jail for an unpaid debt.
  4. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member

    Please oh please listen closely....

    Your mom has no need to fear. She is dealing w/ a dog, and she has the power to turn the tables. Does she have his name, company name and/or phone # where this idiot works? Please have her do the following....

    1) Call the police and file charges for harrassment.
    2) If she hasn't gotten his name/number, have her wait for his call (recorder in hand to tape the call) and have her calmly get his info (name and phone #) Let him HANG HIMSELF!

    3) When she gets the info, have her tell him IMMEDIATELY he is NEVER to contact her again, and if he does, she will sue the SH#$!! outta them....

    4) Send a C&D letter by fax (save the confirmation sheet) or by certified mail return on this link

    Please let us help you. What is the name of this collection agency and SPECIFICALLY the name of this piece of crap man????? We want to make him feel the way he's making your mom feel, but WORSE!!!!!

  5. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    Radio Shack has a great little phone recorder that works on the phone and is simple to use. It's cheap. All you need is a tape recorder.
  6. my2sentz

    my2sentz Well-Known Member

    What I have also used as a good strategy. Have a tape recorder ready when these violators call. When and if your Mom receives a call from this collector, make sure he identifies himself and then inform him immediately that the call is being recorded. The creditor will probably then at that time say that he did not give permission to have this conversation recorded or hang up. If he continues the connection, have your mom to respond only by saying "in addition to informing you via written correspondence, I am also informing you to C&D from contacting me at my home, as well as work". She should then hang up.

    Also, if he is calling from the area, her phone company may be able to assist in tracking these calls. If you are interested you can contact your local phone company and inform them that you are receiving harassing phone calls at all times of the day. The phone company will activate "call trace" on her line. Everytime your mom receives a call from this violator, she can punch in a code and the phone company will trace the call to the originator and keep a log. After a minimum of 3 calls are received, the phone company will get the police involved. The police really can't do anything, but at least there is a record of the harassing calls. If he is out of the area, all toll free numbers can be blocked. I believe this is called "call privacy". And it works, my husband and I enjoy peace in the evenings now!
  7. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    First of all, ley me pile on by saying nobody is going to jail.
    As to the phone #, is it likely your Dad was trying to keep her from finding out about the card and used your phine # for contact info? If so, it's time to get the police involved. Have your Mom go to the police and file a fraud report. Fax the report to the scumbag collector and the credit card company. That ought to shut everyone up.
    Also, she needs to see a lawyer. This is way beyond the bounds of debt collecting. You have harrassing communications and extortion efforts. In addition, many states have laws that shield spouses from liability if they didn't have any knowledge of what their partner was doing.

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