My ex husband filed BK 2 1/2 years ago. I found out because Wells stopped sending statements. I called Wells and asked why...they told me of the BK (it shows as joint, I remember being an authorized user on our bank account line of credit). I told them that I wanted to pay my portion because my credit was important to me. They said they couldn't do that, it was closed. About a year or so later I got a new car and got a copy of my CR. I was shocked that it appreared as 120 day late. I called them. They told me I needed to dispute. I did. They sent me a nicey nice letter stating that it would be corrected with the 3 CRA's. (can't find yet). Well, now it's showing up again...120's, open, yadda, yadda. I sent first reply within 30 days (45 days or so) they said it the BK department. In the meantime I had already sent the 2nd letter. So, no reponse to that yet. I called them (dumb???)and they said that it is now in recovery that they took off my ex and that I am responsible. That they thought we were married at the time of the BK, but since we were divorced it is my debt. They NEVER attempted to collect or anything. This is my bank that I have been with 25 years. It's not like they don't know where I am. They told me to call the recovery department (the same department I dealt with almost 3 years ago). Should I call? What to do? It's $700-800. Do I negotiate for removal? Aren't they in violation for reporting incorrectly and that they did not respond in the 30 days? HELP PLEASE!!! Thanks!
Do I understand you correctly? You disputed thru the CRA's and they fixed it, and it has been ILLEGALLY REINSERTED?
The above statements contradict each other pretty bad. I'm sorta lost. Maybe you could explain a little more? Sounds to me like you were more than an authorized user. maybe it was a joint account and you didn't know it? or maybe Wells is wrong and you WERE just an AU. I'm not sure about E-LOCs, but w CCs, AUs are not responsible for the debt. you can have your name removed if youre just AU. could it have been agreed to during the divorce proceedings that this debt would be your responsibility? sounds like Wells's records arent too reliable (imagine that) in this case. I'd almost think that since you've been w them 25 yrs you could find the right person to use the goodwill approach with. (settle for deletion type of arrangement.)
Yes, I guess you are right. They told me to dispute and they would take the lates off and state that it was included in the BK of another. They did ~1/02. According to my PG yesterday 3-5/2002 (only shows last 24 months) EFX reported ok. Bk was filed 6/01 and this dang letter was about 1/ they did take the lates off as promised for awhile...then, BAM here it is again. 6/02 shows 120 days. How the heck can you go from ok to 120??? Then 7/03 and 10/03 show ok. EXP shows ok until 6/03 then shows 120 as of 7/03. Tranunion shows ok for the last year or so as of yesterdays PG report. It showed nothing/no rating last week. They do however show that it is disputed. TU shows that I have 2 with different account numbers (never had 2). They show me as joint, but like I said I remember AU. Soooo....they are reporting inaccurate on top of being a-holes. Can't find that dang letter though. I just opened a new business checking with them the end of last year and helllllooo...NADDA! The guy told me yesterday that I didn't tell them at the time I was divorced. WRONG!!!! I did!!! Soooo...I have some violations here...hmmmm!!! Help me get 'em!! Thanks for any input!!!!
HI LQ, You seriously need to find that letter. It does sound like you have violations. Did you dispute through the CRA's last time, or directly through the OC? ???
I know, I know. Looked and looked. NO LUCK :-( The first time I sent the dispute to Wells and not the CRA's. They sent me a letter stating that the CRA's were informed. So what do ya think? Thanks for your help!!! I appreciate it greatly!
OK...guys been fighting this battle for months. I disputed through the CRA's (3 times). Good news is that ALL my negative stuff came off and my scores are up 150 points across the board. Bad news is that DAMN Wells Fargo has been a pain in my a$$. By me disputing it...they started threatening me. I continued to tell them that it had been BK'd on 3 years ago and I have NOT heard from them until I start a dispute. NEVER, EVER have they made ANY attempt to collect this until now. I'm at the same address, have had a Wells account (and opened 3 more since then) and they NEVER sent me a darn thing asking to be paid. After a few nasty letters from them (including one that stated they were reporting it as a charge off now)and phone calls they sent me a "settlement" letter. I called and spoke to them about deletion for payment (I know, I know)...she said she would ask her boss and call me back. She did and told me that they would and I had 7 days to pay it (this was the 20th). I asked if it was for the discounted amount...she said no. I then got to the end of my rope with them. I told her I would call her back and hung up. ATTENTION NOT do what I did!!!! GET IT IN WRITING!!!!!!! I waited a few days and was going to call and get it over with. Well...on the 20th I spoke to T...the "B" and on the 21st she took the $700+ out of my checking account (this was a credit line attached to an old checking account). I got the letter informing me of the withdrawal the day I was planning to call about paying for deletion. I was MAAAADDDDD!!!! I called and got some smart A kid and I got his bosses name and number (the same guy that ok'd the pay for deletion). We played phone tag for a week and he left me a message on my cell phone(which I kept that stated that the same "B" I was dealing with had sent a letter to me stating that it was being deleted on all 3 CRA's. That was the 28th...I still did not have a letter...6 phone calls and messages later I finally get a call from him. He stated that the "B" had sent another letter on the it (actually done on the 16th) and it said after all this...that they were reporting it as a PAID CHARGE OFF. AHHHHHHHH!!!!! Now my scores are gonna take a dump. I'm SOOOO P.O'd. I called him today (no return call of coarse) and I told him that he had 15 days to get it deleted or I was taking legal action. OK...sorry for the length, but the details are important. OK, CNetter to proceed from here. Sometimes we don't think as clear when it's our mess. HELP PLEASE!!!
OK...update (any of you reading this?). Called and left a message for Mr. J. that I was contacting my attorney and would sue resulting in fines. Within 2 minutes he called me back and I returned his call. He said the wrong letter (geez) was sent and he would fax me the new letter within 15 minutes and mail the original. They know I have em....wait until it's deleted, then sue?
Be patient LQ. Focus on your primary goal first. Get your CR fixed. Once that's done you can make a decision later about suing. One step at a time.
Ouch....just been dealing with this and want to have a next step. It has been a month and no deletion. Should I send a copy of the letter to the CRA's or hang awhile longer? here's the scoop. I got the dang letter from Mr. P at Wells dated 6/22. I have checked my PG and NO changes. trying to move this along I tried the online approach. 2 days and EXP (the worst tradeline reporting) verified the dang thing. It remains. what to do now? Either they didn't even attempt to verify or Wells is still being A-holes. Also, in doing the online dispute I found that according to EXP there was no balance until 7/03...then all of a sudden the old balance shows up. Isn't this a big no-no? But, shows a recent balance 6/04 of 0. It's never gone to collections or to a CA and they are reporting 180 days late discharged in BK. It was NEVER late before the BK. Anyway all three are reporting different only one shows a balance but all are affecting my score. What letter do I use? NUTCASE? I need to get this off ASAP...submitting a new loan. HELP PLEASE!
When you dispute a TL, and forward along with it, your own documenation, the CRA's are required to forward your documenation on to the DF. (A) In general. Before the expiration of the 5-business-day period beginning on the date on which a consumer reporting agency receives notice of a dispute from any consumer in accordance with paragraph (1), the agency shall provide notification of the dispute to any person who provided any item of information in dispute, at the address and in the manner established with the person. The notice shall include all relevant information regarding the dispute that the agency has received from the consumer. So Wells sends you a letter which you include with your dispute. If that letter from Wells demanding deletion, gets forwarded back to Wells, the DF, (through you, via the CRA), could one reasonably expect Wells to verify? Especially after they have a copy of the letter in their posession, demanding deletion, from Corporate? Of course not. At this point LQ, if this were mine I'd be on the phone demanding to talk to legal. Or at least the exec. offices. Now you have a case. I'd give em a short leash to delete or be sued. Now's the time to get angry.
Thanks Butch. After writing this last post I did call both EXP and Mr. P at Wells. According to EXP they verified. I told her about the letter and she told me to mail it (duh). I was trying to go the quickest route (I know). Called Mr. P and he was snotty at first...then he said that he would call disputes and make sure the information has been updated. I gave him 10 days to get this deleted 9 days ago. What would you suggest I do now? Letter or as you someone at legal with Wells? It is VERY obvious that at Wells the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing!!! Thank you for your help!
Well ... just short of suing all of em the secret for you is gonna be - being such a huge pain in the a$$ that they finally just do it to get rid of you. Know how to do that? I'd call em twice a day. "Is it done yet"? lol ~ ??? If worse comes to worse LQ, a small claims serve would probably get em movin ... FAST. You're almost there LQ.
LQ, Be sure to study Len Bennett's email at This is what I'm talkin about.
Update...EXP removed tradeline (score jumped 38 points YIPPEE). Green card was received 7/6 by TU and 7/7 by EFX. Letter from TU dated 7/12 has remained the same and letter from 7/13 EXF now shows unpaid collection from paid collection. AHHHH!!! It's not so much my score now as it is the fact I WANT IT OFF MY CREDIT!!!! OK Butch, who to bug now? Is Wells not verifying or are the CRA's being lazy @ss's? YOur input is much appreciated. This is the last item I need to remove being I get my HELOC. Since 1/04 EXP up 134 points EFX up 93 points TU up 146 points
1*it had been BK'd on 3 years ago 2*NEVER, EVER have they made ANY attempt to collect this until now. 3*NEVER sent me a darn thing asking to be paid. 4*After a few nasty letters from them (including one that stated they were reporting it as a charge off now 5*and phone calls they sent me a "settlement" letter. 6*she took the $700+ out of my checking account (this was a credit line attached to an old checking account). 7*I got the letter informing me of the withdrawal the day I was planning to call about paying for deletion. I was MAAAADDDDD!!!! 8*that they were reporting it as a PAID CHARGE OFF. AHHHHH 9*Now my scores are gonna take a dump. I'm SOOOO P.O'd. Loan Queen | ============= 1** 2* 3* 4*Can they do that? 5*What is there to settlle with in a voided debt? 6*No grounds for that. 7*Delete first pay later. 8*Inaccurate reporting 9*Have they yet?
UPDATE...7/21 I called EXF and TU to find out why they had not removed the tradeline as requested by Wells. They signed for my copy of Wells letter on 7/6 and 7/5. Needless to say Wells never sent anything to them or it would have been off already. That's another case? Anyway, so EXF told me it was in maintenance being deleted. TU (what a joke) didn't have any record of receiving it. I told the smart A that they received it on 7/6 and I have the green card to prove it. He said they had 30 days to get it done and he would dispute it. EXF told me they had 21 days. Which is correct? If so they have 4 or 5 days to delete. Should I sit and wait, call Wells and push them to do something? They supposedly sent the deletion letter on 6/22 (30 days ago). Are they in violation if they don't get it done in 21 days? Thanks!
UPDATE....8/6 The evil Wells fell off TU today. YIPEEE!!! This was after 3 phone calls to TU after I sent the letter from Wells telling them to delete. 7/21 I was told by a very rude punk TU employee that they never received the letter. Day 29 I called again and was told it was validated 7/21 from Wells as paid collection. I told her about the letter, went round and round....she said you can mail us another letter and it can take 30 days. I was MAD!!!! I told her I waited her 30 days and by law they had to remove it and I WAS NOT gonna wait another 30 days. So long story...she told me to fax and it could take 3-5 days to delete. I did and 3 days later it was gone. GOOOOODDDDNESSSS!!! Score went up 31 points. OK, I just breath and chalk it up to experience or do I go after Wells and TU? GOOD NEWS...the HELOC I was after was approved same day that dang trade line fell off for $129,900. Overall scores up 150+ points since the beginning of my journey 1/04. IT CAN BE DONE!!!! It takes persistance and determination to kick their @ss. My overall feeling.. the credit system really SUCKS!!!!!