help please...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Dec 23, 2001.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I sent the estoppel letter to a collection agency. This is what I got back from the original creditor, NOTHING from the CA.

    "Enclosed are copies of the information you requested. We apologize this information has not been sent, but we found no request for this information until your certified letter was received.

    The forwarding address was updated on July 27, 1998 and the final bill was sent to that address.

    If your name and social security number have been used fraudently please provide a police report and we will delete the amount of $146.08 from your credit report."

    Then I got 3 pages of printed out statements with my name, DOB, SS# and an amount and charge off date. THAT IS IT!!!

    Now what?
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Nothing with a signature on it..... nothing proving the that you have" a contractual obligation to pay" the account...?
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    The ca still has not responded. They obviously asked the original creditor to forward the stuff to you. But, you sent the request to the ca and they have the obligation to send it to you. At 30 days or so since you sent the estoppel, you may want to send a demand letter to the ca that they have violated the FDCPA and that you will file a suit unless they delete the listing and close the account file since they (the ca) obviously has no proof. Or, since the amount is small, you may want to send a letter stating although this is not my debt, in an effort to clear up this matter, I will pay xx amount in return for full deletion of the acct.

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