i have a charged-off account with burdines, from 1996 for 575.00. heres the catch: i was contacted by burdines and told that if i pay the amount in full the will reinstate my credit card and take off all the negatives. has anyone ever heard of this? i am a bit sceptical since the account has been charged off for so long. why would the do this? can it be a trick just to get me to pay the full ammount? would sending a letter and asking them to put it in writing help? thanks, i just started to fix my credit with all the help from this board and in 1 month i have taken off an account from ARROW FINANCIAL and FPL. keep up the good posts! guys.
I got a cc to do this but you must get it in writing before you send them a penny.It worked out for me and i hope it works for you.....
GET IT IN WRITING!!! Sorry for screaming. I am actually dealing with them, actually their Compliance dept AKA FACS Group. They basically act like they are above the law. I had/have the same problem. They told me the same thing. Before I knew any better, I paid the acct, and all they put was PAID/Charge Off. This was like 3years ago. I have been trying to get them to delete it, but to no avail.When I called them last January, they denied ever having said that. The rep told me that all they can do is open another account for me. I have no interest in dealing with them again. On top of that they put 2 hard inquiries on my report without my authorization. I'm basically getting ready to file on them. I got them on a few violations.
I am dealing with them also. They are a bunch of idiots. Even their legal compliance dept. They have been nailed by the state of Tenn. for collecting discharged BK accounts. They put a hard collection inquiry on my credit report. It is not updated as in dispute. They do not have my signed application. They wrote in the last letter that they are only legally required to keep it for 25 months. What freaking law is that? I am faxing them a letter today before I leave work. For them to tell me what law and reference the info. They sent me a bunch of acct. statements. They do not keep the sales receipts and the signed app. for 25 months, garbage!! I think someone posted that they did this for them before. But make sure you get it in writing - don't give them a single red cent until then.