Help / Ran myfico / Clean up

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tivo1, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. tivo1

    tivo1 Member

    I ran Myfico on all three CRAs

    Anyway I have some negatives and i was wondering the best way to go about cleaning them off???

    with t.u.
    1&2) I have a couple(so this counts as two negs) of student loans(from the same company) and they were late 90 days 5/2002 Out of school i started sending payments they said I had to.. then they sent me a letter saying i didnt need to be paying so I stopped, Aparently they sent me another one that said i needed to start paying again, which i never received.
    3) A car loan through honda around june 02 i was late 30 days.. I still owe on the car.. but I refinanced the loan with a C.U. over 2 years ago.

    with exper.
    1) same as number 3 above
    2&3) same as 1&2 above
    4) a chase credit card being 30 days late in apr 00

    with equi
    1-4) same as exper. except different order
    5) bestbuy/householdbank CC 30 days late as of 9/2000 60 days late 10/2000

    Im thinking i should send some letters to the original creditors but not sure which ones... Is this the best course of action for me? Or should i be doing something else..

    I would really like to get things cleaned up becuase I would like to try and get a loan and into my first house in october or November of this year

    Thanks for any input
  2. aikidokap

    aikidokap Well-Known Member

    Well...what did it say your FICO was?

    Second thought is....on the "30 day lates" you you have multiples? Or do you have one 30 day late in a trade line that has lots of on time payments?

    If it is the latter, then I'd just leave sleeping dogs lie, other than trying for a "goodwill" adjustment. This is where you basically write them a letter that says.."Hey, I've been/am a good customer, but I was late one time. These are the circumstances why I was late, but this mark is hurting my credit. Can you help me by making this one time adjustment?"

    This has worked for others.

    Generally, you show a pattern of going late around one specific time, and that was a while ago. Your FICO shouldn't be too bad if you've stayed current since then and haven't opened/closed accounts.

    What I WOULD try to fix is those student loans. Do a search here...there is a program where they get rehabilitated/fixed if you make so many on time payments. Perhaps someone else that had SLs here will chime in.

  3. tivo1

    tivo1 Member

    thanks for the input..

    Yes things are one time late.. not a whole bunch of lates in a row.

    tu 716
    exper 738
    equi 686

    also for the equi the bestbuyhousholdbank they dont have an account number on file.. was hoping this might mean i could get rid of it easy
  4. tivo1

    tivo1 Member

  5. tivo1

    tivo1 Member

    no help to be had?
  6. Fosedeitch

    Fosedeitch Member

    I am dealing with some student loans.

    The rehab program is only if you go into default....if you make 12 timely payments, concurrently, the government will re-insure your loan, and the CA as well as the OC will remove all negative information from your credit report.

    Since it sounds like you haven't defaulted, I'd contact the FSA @ 1-800-621-3115. While this is the number for dealing with defaulted loans, they may be able to assist you in removing the negative entries if you've been on time for at least 12 payments after the TL ran 30 days late.

    The web site is:

    Good Luck!
  7. tivo1

    tivo1 Member

    Thanks Ill think ill do that...

    Does anyonehave any suggestions about the BB card and the chase one?

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