Hi, I really need help!! Today, a police officer showed up at my door and gave me a summons to appear in court. Do I need a lawyer to go to court with me? What will happen in the courtroom? The date for the hearing is in April, but on the summons it has a date in August for 'a case management conference'. I live in Illinois. I am a single mother. I do not work. I receive child support from my children's father. My parents own the home I live in. I own a 1998 Lumina. Paid for. I have no other assets. My summons is from a company who 'bought' this debt, of $5,000, from the credit card co. Does this second company have any rights against me? I did not make an agreement with them. My credit report says '$5,000. written off' and 'purchased by another lender'. I have checked over my credit report and there is another account with the very same company. Do you think they will send another summons?? Why would they go after someone who they can check and see that I do not work and have no income?? Please let me know what I need to do?? Get a lawyer?? (can't afford one) Or at least the first consultation. What will a judge say to me?? If you need more info, let me know. Thank you for any help.
I'm not sure about the other things that you are talking about but don't hesitate to answer the summons. You DO NOT want a default judgment against you. Answer the summons and the court clerk should be able to help you out with the paperwork. Depending upon how complicated your case is, you may not need to consult an attorney, in my opinion. The veterans on this board may be able to help you in more detail, though! I'm still a novice!
If the OC sold the debt, then the new company has every right to persue collection action. CA's are notorious to put multiple entries on CR's to tank your scores You may not have any assets now, but judgments are good for 10 or 20 years (plus interest) and they are covering themselves in case you ever get money or start working You need to answer the summons and file the answer with the court and the plaintiff's attorney. The court clerk will be able to guide you. You should send the validation letter by certified mail to this CA for each TL on your CR's and dispute the TL's with the CRA's when you get the green cards back
If some one files banckruptcy chapter 7 can "judgements" be covered under as satisfied once bankruptcy has been discharged?
Thank you all for all of your help. When I answer the summons will there be a judge?? What will he say to me?? What do I say back?? Claim insanity?? I'm just afraid if I don't file bankruptcy another CCC/CA will come out of the woodwork and send another summons. HELP!!!
Re: Re: Help! Rec. court summons today.HELP judgments are satisfied as they are included in ch 7 BK. Once BK is issued, you can then apply to the court to have the judgment vacated
Maybe you are eligible for free legal aid because of your financial situation. The court clerk can also advise you. They would be able to help you file your answers. When you file answers you basically deny everything the other side is claiming, other than your name, address, ssn, etc. is correct. At this point you are only filing with the clerk, you will not be in the courtroom. Most people do not even do this, so it is VERY EASY for the creditor to get a default judgment (because you don't answer). If you do answer, now it starts becoming more expensive for them since they actually have to pay a lawyer to appear in court and handle the case. Your goal is to make them realize that they will have to end up spending a lot of time and money to obtain a judgment that may not be collectable! If you are seriously thinking of BK it is better to file sooner rather than stall because the laws are changing. You probably have a few months though.
nelsohnfan, I have just started to have creditors call me. I have had delquentn issues over my head for the last or so after my last supervisor blacklisted me. She is a very vindictive person. I did not know she was doing this until 6 months in to my job search. I have just found a way to work around her and will never give her name as a reference as my supervisor. A lot of bills were not paid and subsequently I am not able to catch up ( or at least I canot see how) so I will be filing bankruptcy. May what happen to me happen to to my supervisor (who blacklsted me for a personaility conflict.) ten times worse.
Hi, thank you so very much for your help. Maybe, I will get a good nights sleep tonight. I feel much better about this now. Keep up the good work with helping people
Search here on "sassy and bbee" and read her thread, from start (being served) to finish (settled and removed from report -- all in one thread too which is really nice and usefull as a resource. It has all the links you need and will walk you through formatting and answering and what you are asking for, doing, and the process of a suit in the meantime. DO answer, don't allow a default judgment to be entered against you. Sassy
Hi Sassy, thank you for the help. Can you tell me what topic catagory it is in?? Or what is the title of the thread? I can't pinpoint the thread that will help me most. I think this thread would help a lot of people. Thank you so much
Re: Re: Help! Rec. court summons today.HELP http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...hp?s=&threadid=34590&highlight=sassy+and+bbee Know and love the search function, it has kept me up for hours!!!
Re: Re: Help! Rec. court summons today.HELP Thanks Ice_Siren, that's the thread, BOWING to BBee!!! Sassy