Help. Sallie Mae acount

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vorlando7, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. vorlando7

    vorlando7 New Member

    I have an account from Sallie Mae that is open. It is a private student loan. Over 2 years ago it was 60 days late. I neeeed to get it removed or the entire tradeline removed. I have disputed it countless times to no avail. It is a joint account with my brother. I was seeing if anyone has had any success. Or any ideas?

    Thanks so much
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    When you say disputed, are you saying you disputed it through the CRAs?

    What's the payment history been like since the 60-day late? If it's been perfect, perhaps you could go directly to the creditor and request that they stop reporting the late pay because it was a simple mistake/oversight a few years ago and you've been an on-time payer ever since. Keep in mind that they don't have to do anything. If it was legitimately late, they can report it.
  3. vorlando7

    vorlando7 New Member


    I have disputed it with all the credit bureaus and the creditor in the past. Hoping it would just come off. However Sallie Mae gives no good will. Since it was factually late they will not remove it. It has been on time for over two years. Ive tried calling and asking and they said they wouldnt remove it. Its sad they work better with people who have been delinquent for a year then my situation.

    I need to get creative

    However, it is a joint account so I was thinking about getting my brother who is the other guarantor to say that it is his
    just his account and not mine. I want the tradeline to just stop reporting entirely if I could. I dont know if that will work but I guess i am going to try.

    Any creative ideas out there?
  4. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Hmmm, I doubt that will work since you signed the papers as a joint-account holder. I'm sorry to say it, but you might be out of options here with the late pay. The good news is that the late pay will have less and less of an effect on your credit scores as time passes.

    Anyone else have any recommendations?

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