i am planning a lawsuit against ProCollect Inc. and i would like to know the steps i need to take. i have never sued anyone so i dont know what to do. i have already sent them the intent to sue letter. can i just go to court and draft a lawsuit? is it costly?thanks!
The process probably differs from state to state, but you should be able to find out by doing a search on small claims and your state on the web. I'm in FL, all I did was go to the local clerk of the courts office and pick up the forms. I filled them out and brought them back. It cost 87.50 to file then 20.00 to have the sheriff in their county serve them. The cost to file also differs depending on the amount you are claiming.
thanks for your help. im in FL too so its good to know. i am going to give them until the date on my intent to sue letter. if i get no response then i will SUE THE S@#! out of those A@#$#@! sorry, i get carried away sometimes.
It looks like others have enjoyed working with ProCollect. I cant believe I have 2 collections listed on my credit report through ProCollect