Help trying to get mortgage

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jayzmen, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. jayzmen

    jayzmen New Member

    I just recently checked my credit reports and found a negative account...a school tuition bill which I was paying as much as I could for, but obviously not enough each month so they wouldn't reported it on my credit which in turn hurt my scores really bad... In an Instance like this should I do a pay in full letter or validate letter?

    i'm try to qualify for a mortgage and this has hurt my credit really bad..
  2. jayzmen

    jayzmen New Member

    its with the original creditor the school, its not a student loan its tuition balance
  3. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    You can't DV the original creditor, only collection agencies, so you'll need to work directly with the school to negotiate both payment and how they report it to the CRAs.

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