Okay here it is: Me 123 Maint St USA Bad Guys/CA 1 789 Main St USA 25 August 2004 Re: Account Number ******* To Whom It May Concern: On July 19th I received an initial notification from CA 2 on your behalf. On August 3rd they received a validation letter from me. I have sense not heard from them. However I was curious as if you know about this. If you do you are currently in violation of the FCRA and FDCPA. The account is not showing as disputed and as of today I checked my credit report and the amount has increased. I am giving you one last chance to correct this misunderstanding and as well, I request that only communication in the form of mail be made. You have 15 days to correct this problem. Sincerely, Me I am going to enclose a copy of the vl and copy of the return receipt. Any input is appreciated....thanks Should I also include that the sol ran out??
I am assuming that you already disputed this acct with the CRA since you mentioned the acct was not flagged disputed? from what I am reading here this acct was sold to another CA after you requested validation? and the acct is past SOL. when you requested validation from the second CA did you send it by CMRRR ? date CMRRR acct # in your letter to CA 1 I would state that on ________ date I sent ca name _____a letter disputing the above listed acct and requested validation, as of today's date , I have not recieved any response from you, on _______ date I recieved a letter from ___ ca # 2 informing me that you sold this acct to them . on ______ date I recieved a current copy of my credit report from CRA name which reflected that this acct had a balance increase and was not flagged disputed. perhaps this was an oversight on your part, therefore I am respectfully requesting that your _______ca name immediately remove all references for the above listed account from all my credit reports . should you fail to comply I will take all necessary measures available to me under the law to protect my interests. state that all further communication be in writing only as to not misconstrue any facts.
Okay thanks for the help, a little insight on the situation.... it is to CA1 because CA2 is calling cause CA1 is their "client" It hasnt been sold yet. I was told send a letter to CA1 saying that I got this notification from CA2 blah blah blah...does this help? CA1 hasnt directly got in touch with me. When I was initially on the phone with CA2 they kept referring to CA1 as their client.
okay. I would also send a CMRRR to CA # 2 and request that all further communication be in writing only as to not misconstrue any facts. since they are the ones calling you. enclose a copy of the letter you wrote to ca # 1 and hopefully they will back off as well. I would give it like 10 days after they recieved the CM for them to respond. if they don't I would send a ITS letter . you may be able to go after both of them. CA 1 for FCRA and FDCPA violations and Ca 2 for FDCPA since CA 2 is saying that CA 1 is their client nip it in the butt and send the letter right away. good luck keep us posted
the validation letter that I sent to CA2 had the communication via mail in it. They havent been calling since I asked them to stop, just to clarify that. So is the letter I wrote okay to send to CA1 and including the vl and reture receipt that was sent to CA2 (copies anyways) to be included.
I would word it as the sample I gave you so that it gives them an opprotunity to correct it, bottom line you want deletion. if they don't correct it and you end up filing suit for $ you can prove that they had full knowledge of the FCRA and FDCPA violations and failed to comply. it helps your case by showing the judge you attempted to resolve you matter prior to going to court
how does this sound? 25 August 2004 Re: Account Number To Whom It May Concern: On the 19th of July I received an initial notification from CA2. On the 28th of July I sent off a validation letter and on August 3rd they received the letter and have yet to hear back. On both August 13th and August 25th I obtained a current copy of my credit report from all three reporting agencies which reflected that this account had a balance increase and was not flagged disputed. Perhaps this was an oversight on your part, therefore I am respectfully requesting that your company, CA1 immediately remove all references for the above listed account from all my credit reports . You have 10 days to do so. Should you fail to comply I will take all necessary measures available to me under the law to protect my interests. State that all further communication be in writing only as to not misconstrue any facts. Sincerely, Me Enclosure: Validation Letter to Financial Recovery Service Copy of Return Receipt Better perhaps?