I started studying posts on this forum 1 1/2 years ago and ended up filing BK in April 2004 because of $95,000 in debts. Our joint BK was discharged July 2004 and I was able to obtain a new car loan (at 16.9%) 2 weeks BEFORE my discharge and have paid this loan on time ever since. We got a redemption loan for my husband's truck with the BK at 24% interest (yuck) but the loan amount was reduced from over $15,000 down to $5,200 (actual market value) and we have paid the minimum OR more payment on time every month. My husband and I have also obtained unsecured Orchard Bank credit cards 6 months ago for $300 each - my card started at 3.9% intro rate and is now 16.9% and my husband's card is 19.9%. The first 3 months we charged about $150 to each card and paid them off each month on time. Since then, we have had the cards close to their $300 limit 3 months ago but since have paid $50/month to each on time, much more than the minimum. Lastly, I received an unsecured Capitol One card for $500 2 months ago which is still at a 0% into rate. Charged $90 first month and paid in full and second month charging $200 and payment not due yet. I signed up for CreditKeeper service just for one month to get my free report and credit score which I received on May 5, 2005. My credit score with them is 578. Is this an average of the 3 Bureau's credit scores? This CR from CK lists my BK in public records but states discharged 3/04; paid 7/04. But it was actually discharged in 7/04. I think I might have filed in 3/04 but is this enough inaccuracy to dispute? Also, the CR lists 19 negative TL but only 3 of those say BK. All the rest have remarks such as writeoff, placed for collections, purchased by another lender, closed, etc. and are all TL from Trans Union. Last Sept. 2004, I got a copy of my CR from Equifax from being denied credit and this report has 32 TL of which 15 are positive, 10 are negative (not BK) and 7 say included in BK. I also got a free copy of my husband's CR from Equifax dated May 17, 2005 which lists a total of 17 TL: 6 positive, 6 negative (not BK) and 5 BK. Ok, so after this lengthy explanation, I need advice on the best approach to clean this up. Do I first go after the BK tradelines or check the public record for the 3 Bureaus and if they too have inaccuracies, dispute the BK? If this is the best start, does anyone have a sample letter addressing this? Would it be better to dispute the negative tradelines as incorrect or not mine? since they are supposs to be included in the BK but I don't want them just corrected to say BK - prefer to get them deleted. Bottom line, what is the best strategy to delete as many trade lines as possible post BK (for my situation) and I can't seem to find good sample letters to send to the CRA's as "not mine". Thanks for your help and advice!