well, the ITS worked because they called and want to talk.... I want deletions and could use some cash... please help... I don't want to blow it!
I got one of those "We believe that we could best answer your questions on the phone. Please call us at the numeber listed on your personal credit report. When you call, please be sure to reference the report number printed at the top of the report." BS form letters from my ITS letter. IMO, I don't think calling them would do you any good, I am coming to the conclusion that the only thing that gets thru to those evil bastards is litigation.
uniondiva, could you give us a brief summary of what's going on? or maybe you could email me offline. ;-)
The experian affiliate here is the one that I sued. If you want, you can also email me and I'll help as I can.
Hi Uniondiva You mentioned in a previous post you won 3,000 against a CRA. I am confused I thought violations were limited to a maximum of 1,000. Were you able to prove damages? Thanks for any and all help.
basically, here is what has happened. I sued EXP last year for 3K and won a default judgement which they paid. They did not correct the entry on my credit report that was in error... i faxed the information to EXP and they did not update it or investigate it basically told me it was worthless..... i subsequently requested a reinvestigation and they refused to investigate.... Now, I want my deletions and some more cash. In my small claims suit I sued for max 3K and still had to prove my damages which i did ( denied credit, and had letters to prove it) I have damages this time also I am to call the legal dept at EXP back.
Hi Uniondiva Thanks for the response. It is helpful. I guess I need to find away to sue for more than 1,000. Sueing for 3k or 4k and then settling for less makes a lot of sense to me at least. Thanks for any and all help.
As I understand it: When suing for FDCPA violations, the maximum award can only be $1,000.00 in each action/lawsuit. This means that if the part in question violates the FDCPA 10 times, you can only be awarded $1k in the lawsuit. When suing for FCRA violations, it is up to $1k per violation. So if the party in questions violates the FCRA seven times, you can potentially sue for $7k + damages (if you have any). That's $1k per violation. I think this is what you're asking, if not, I tried.