Thank You so much for your help. Also, checked mail and nothing in there about this account, so they are screwed.
If they don't tell you your rights, as the law requires, there is probably a reason. For $13K, everything they do has a reason. They probably figure if you knew you could dispute it, their chances of getting any money are less. It might also be a hint about the SOL status of this account. For $13K, if they could sue, you would think they would. But for $13K, even if it was past SOL, they might try, or threaten to, especially if they either think you don't know it is past SOL, or they think they can get you to agree to a payment play or make one payment, or do anything that would support a claim that the SOL was reset. They already know you are financially weak, and in a poor position to defend against even an illegal suit. Since your risk is the $13K they allege you owe, you need to see an attorney to know where you stand, and how to handle this, regardless of whether you also have FDCPA violations on which to go after them.
Oh Boy, here it is. Today is 7 days after the initial contact call and just got letter from a Stewart & Assoc., Attorneys at Law. Do we send out a letter for validation now? Do we contact an attorney now? Help....please. They are asking for the 13,495...yikes.
You have no reason NOT to contact an attorney. You want one that specializes in consumer debt collection and FDCPA law.
Contact an attorney who specializes in the FCRA & FDCPA law and do it prior to the 30-day window. Have your paperwork in order including a *copy* of the letter you received. Don't forget the exact date you were contacted by telephone. You want to talk to the attorney ASAP to plan the strategy.