I want to know about a old child support collection. Do a child support collection falls off of your credit report in 7 years like any other collection on your credit?
Were you taken to court, and was a judgement enterede against you? If so, a judgement can stay on your report longer, and can be re-entered if you do not pay.
No there was not any judgment against me. i was ordered to pay some months after the child was born and got a little behind and next thing i know it was on my credit report all of this happened back in back in 1998 and did not show up on my credit report till 2001 and has been there every since i have been current 1999 to know and i am not planning on getting behind.
You should dispute this with the credit reporting agencies, and send a letter to the reporting agency (handling the support payments). Technically, this is now past the Statutes of Limitations for reporting.