Help with American Agencies Collect

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DukeaK, Sep 11, 2004.

  1. DukeaK

    DukeaK Well-Known Member

    I sent a validation letter to American agencies. They are reporting a derog. on Trans Union and Experian. Ive never received validation from AA. Ive gotten updated reports from Experian, and I just got my report from TransUnion today. AA is still listed on both. They couldnt have investigated because the account isnt mine. This is a phone bill from 1999. They list the number in the account number. Ive never had this phone number, I even called the number listed and its not a number that is used in the area that I live. This is the only coll. acct. I have left on my Experian. And it is really hurting my score as an open acct. Does anybody have any suggestions what I should do next, or if you have ever had problems with AA.. Thanks in advance

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