hi all. Was sued,went to court, now need to complete my answer. i have scanned the summons here at photobucket: s536.photobucket.com/albums/ff321/taekyon2/ Basically i guess i'm thinking of a standard answer like: DEFENDANT (me), appearing pro se, answers the complaint of Plaintiff and, in responses to each numbered paragraph thereof, states: Defendant is without information or knowledge sufficient to form an opinion as to the truth or accuracy of the allegations contained in this paragraph and based on that denies and generally and specifically each and every allegation contained herein and demands strict proof. Maybe the sworn denial: Defendant, XXXX, appearing pro se, denies this is his debt and if it is his debt, Defendant denies that it is still a valid debt and if it is a valid debt, Defendant denies the amount sued for is the correct amount. The papers mention an exhibit. There is no exhibit attached. Are they referring to the attached affidavit? And how does that person have "personal knowledge of all relevant financial information"? Could I also say "plaintiff has failed to attach any contract to the complaint"? Or go for a a motion to dismiss since it seems they've attached nothing to the Complaint proving it is my debt or is the affidavit enough for them? Any thoughts? Any questions?