help with settlement

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by trips13, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. trips13

    trips13 New Member

    the CA will not remove/delete my account upon settlement payment, only "paid in full". How big of an effect would this have on my credit report? This listing would be removed off my record in 4 more years, does having it reported as "paid" or similar cause it to be and addition 7 years (from payment date) or still the same 4 years till it expires?

    Also has anyone sucessfully had an account listed as paid and then later disputed it and had it deleted? I have to take care of this issue this week one way or the other, so I may go this route.

    thanks for any help!
  2. hotepamen

    hotepamen Member

    I was about to post a similar question.

    Got a settlement letter at 75% off the total due. I've heard however that it looks worse on your credit report to settle than pay bad debt off in full...
  3. hotepamen

    hotepamen Member

  4. trips13

    trips13 New Member

    thanks but couldnt get that link to work.
    has anyone been able to get an account that is listed as paid or such deleted from their credit report later on?

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