
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by itsahoot13, Aug 12, 2006.

  1. itsahoot13

    itsahoot13 New Member

    i'm new and i'm not really sure how this works but i was wondering if anyone knows how i can find out how to pay off some debt. first of all i don't know what it is for or how to pay it. if anyone can help me please let me know
  2. lisa

    lisa Administrator


    This post was posted as a reply to the FAQ sticky thread and moved to its on thread by a moderator.
  3. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    B 4 u do anything - start at the top of the page with da stickies - and READ READ READ!! Then after you about to drop - start searchin for your individual problems - and READ READ READ!

    You don't wanna do anyhthing until ya got a grasp for what you need to put that checkbook away.

    And NOOO, ya don't wanna pay off debt that you ain't sure is yours!!!! It could be anybody's, and you can't be nice and pay it off.

    Anyhoo :), just start reading, get your sealegs, and then come back and ask questions about your situations - and then more people can help ya.

    Good luck, and happy readin!

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