Helping Milkmom

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by joe, Jun 13, 2002.

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  1. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    Don't mean to hijack the thread, but DemPooches, I get a kick out of your name!
  2. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member's just a little of our household silliness in honor of three big old sweet loveable canines we love dearly.

    As in "We just Luuuuuvvvv dem pooches!!!"

    They'll be glad they brought a smile.

  3. dimitri

    dimitri Well-Known Member

    I just sent a little something. I hope things will get better for you.
  4. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    I am glad this thread took off. Let's go for it. Heck, snail mail is fine too! :)
  5. mattg554

    mattg554 Well-Known Member

    I just paypal'd you $10, milkmom.

    I can symphasize with your situation. I got laid off last July. A couple of the guys who worked with me, and also got laid off, formed a small computer/network consulting company around September. I'm making less than half of what I made before, but I'm happy to have a job at all. Like your husband, I also have a Cisco certification.

    It's definitely hard to get a job right now. I'm really thankful for my friends who could find work for me. I wish you and your husband luck, and hope everything works out for you.

    Matt G
  6. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much matt. I know we will be where you are soon.
  7. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Once again, I just want to give everyone big hugs and kisses in gratitude and appreciation for everything.
  8. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    I never used paypal before, that is VERY cool :)

    Thank you for blessing me in receiving, milkmom!

  9. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Since you are unsure about the checking account being open or not...I dropped a $25 postal money order in the mail today. I would send more if I could, but I challenge everyone who can afford it to give at least $1. Be sure to check on can get formula for the baby, cheese, eggs, milk, cereal and juice for you too until the baby is 1 yr old and for any children under 5 I think. I had a sister-in-law on this program recently. Good luck and you are in my prayers :)
  10. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member


    Just read the posts.
    Will also send to your PO Box

    hope this is not a stupid question - but is a check ok - or will the bank "eat" it up?

    Mark LA
  11. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    oops - just read the previous post
    will send cash
  12. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    uh oh,

    I shouldn't have used paypal?

    I re-read, with money coming in the bank will keep the account opened or it has already been closed?

  13. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    It said in the letter that they are closing it but I will find out tomorrow. I think that joe or dempooches said that I can request that they send me a check.
  14. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    ok milkmom, thanks!

    I won't worry about it unless you say otherwise.

    Whatever works best for you, I'll send you a money order if you'd rather.

  15. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    That's right. Paypal will work out just fine whether the checking account has been closed or not. If Milkmom needs to request a check from Paypal, it will just take 3-4 days longer than the ACH credit to the bank account would have.

    But she can most definitely retreive the funds either way.

  16. SweetnSas

    SweetnSas Well-Known Member

    Hey Milkmom,
    Are you okay with Paypal? I was about to sent you money but I want to make sure you get it!

    Hmmm....better yet, I have to go to the Post Office tomorrow anyhow to CRRR a letter to Experian. I'll get a MO and send it to you.

    I empathize with you so much. I'm complaining about an APR jump while there are others who really have something to complain about.

    I pray things start to turn around for you.

    Sweetnsas bka Shantel
  17. matt_r

    matt_r Well-Known Member

    Just sent funds via paypal. I hope this helps your situation milkmom and I'm glad I could help. Take care
  18. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Hopefully I won't have a problem. Thank you SweetnSas.
  19. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    dear milkmom-
    I'm new to this board but among the jillion posts I read your story. I was a single mom raising 2 daughters and in 1992 went on total disability. Fortunately I had private disability for a few years which enabled me to continue raising my daughters in the manner they were accustomed But it was tough for all three of us. Now my daughters are grown...they realize what the "real" world is about and they constantly ask me "how did you DO it, mom?" So remember it is easy being a terrific spouse, significant other, parent, friend when times are good...but it proves you are a terrific spouse, significant other, parent, friend when times are tough.

    On a more personal note...I was born in Kenosha (St. Catherine's)..lived there till I was 9...we moved to FL..but only for the winters...every summer I spent in K-Town. I graduated from U of WI-Parkside. My youngest daughter was born there (St. Catherine's) My brother is developing property on the Racine side of KR...I just spoke with him this week and he was telling me the devastating effect this economy is having on the Chicago area.

    I would like to help you out...just let me know which you prefer..Money Order or PayPal...I can do either.Just let me know.


    PS my mother is travelling to K-Town next week...isn't it a small world!
  20. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    Am sending you a check by snail mail. Hope you can buy diapers or put gas in the car.

    Keep your spirits up as best you can. My daughter said she's asked the girls in her hall (she's a Resident Assistant, small Baptist school) to say prayers for you and your family. So you've got 25 "trying to be angels" sending positive prayers your way.
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