Hey mortgage guru's....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Dec 3, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Kind of a "what's my best option" question:

    Hubby has NO cards that are his "own" other than ones from a couple of years ago that are closed. Other than that he is AU on my cards. A few months back when we THOUGHT we were ready to buy a house, I had him removed from my Citi card (largest balance). I disputed it with EXP and EQU and it's gone, just gotta deal with TU.

    Is it all that important to have him removed from my other accounts? Do they factor it in? AU accounts that is?

    His scores are good enough for FHA, job history isn't so great, been at this job 1 month last job 2 years, but with rates so low we HAVE to at least try.
  2. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    If DH is in same line of work then short time on job probably won't be a factor. If there is a gap between vurrent and last job that will have to be explained. If he is AU only, may very well not be a problem. BTW what type of scores does he have?

    Up at 4:15 AM...can't sleep...hope I make sense. LOL

    If you want Kellie, email me and I can go into details that I won't go into on a public board.

  3. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    How did removng him as the authorized user help?

    You said one account is gone-- from his file, or yours?
  4. trout

    trout Well-Known Member

    Fla-tan...up at 4 am?

    whats wrong with you man!??
  5. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member

    Sick man...Sick

    still am...

  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    His score didn't change at all. It was an8 month old CC with an 11.5K limit with a 9K balance, that's why I'm wondering if it matterson the other accounts.
    His file BTW.
    He is in a whole new line of work, the explaining part is fine. His scores are EQU 654, EXP 637 (I think it's higher) TU FAKO 622 (we would need to pay a CA first)
  7. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    AU shouldn't change score as DH is not required to make payments...you are.

    His being in a whole new line of work may cause problems, but there may be ways around it. Email me off board and I can go into details.

  8. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    The information about your situation is too scant to comment on it. And, I wouldn't take advice from a message board that hasn't even seen your reports and the reasons the scores are not higher. You can get answers with the what-if scenario engine on myfico.com. This kind of thing is what it is for-- and it was a long time coming.
  9. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Against my better judgement I answered you the first time and again against my better judgement I do it again.
    What do you mean "it was a long time coming"??
    You asked me a question if it affected his score, I answered you.

    In fact Flatan has been very helpful via email.
    Greg after the stunt you pulled with Quixote the LAST thing I'm going to do is give detailed info on Creditnet for fear of what YOU may do with it!
  10. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned


    This is amusing to me. If you think the original poster's actions in that thread were justified, the question is: To what extent would you go in the same manner?


    It was a long time coming for any of the CRAs to even give the FICO score to consumers-- let alone how to increase it. But, there it is: Your score and personally tailored information on how to get a higher one. Yet, you went to, indeed, a message board and ask those types of questions. That doesn't make any sense.

    If you don't want to have a public conversation, then don't post your thoughts on a public message board asking for input.

    Why would your advocate not share his advice with everybody? That's some public forum: Post a thought, then talk in secret.
  11. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    While it is one thing to post general questions and thoughts on a public message board, it is something entirely different to post specific information about a person on that same board. I am always willing to give generic advice to people as I am sure you recognize, but when I need specific information in order to better tailor answers, I do not want that information spread across the public spectrum. I don't want people using theirs or my actual name for example. Nor do I wish for them to give here things like a SSN or their address and phone number. Greg, I think even you can see that some things just need to be done away from prying eyes.

    One additional thing here Greg. I think it is extrememly presumptuous of you to think that you should be able to say what a person should include in a public forum. I believe in a free society (which I wish we truly still were) that each individual should decide the extent of personal information that they will release.

  12. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    What did you conclude by obtaining their Social Security number, address and phone number? Those aren't credit score factors, and I didn't ask for them.

    Is your advice better than the advice from the myfico.com score simulator?

    And you are free to be outraged all you want. That and two bits will get you a cup of coffee. Give me a break; they asked for advice, then they don't even include the reasons the score isn't higher. What folly.

    I said, "This is amusing to me. If you think the original poster's actions in that thread were justified, the question is: To what extent would you go in the same manner?"

    I'm still amused, and my question remains.

    And, if the original poster in this thread wants to open up an old argument, I'm happy to engage. Again, from the other thread:

    "Is one of the board's purposes to trash-talk a member's legal opponent in public, while their name, address, telephone number and email address is available to the world-- without even giving them a chance to respond?"

    I'm still amused, and my question remains.
  13. TedTX

    TedTX Well-Known Member

    Fla-Tan is known for giving sound advice following the general rules of mortage lending. I would follow his advice over someone that likes to post links.
  14. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    Once again you take a response of mine and try to twist it. I used SSN, address, and phone numbers as examples of the type of information that could be needed. And yes, with that information if I am authorized (by the person) I can obtain a person's credit information and give them detailed information that they are seeking. I, and many of the people here seem to agree, that when I start to get into specifics about their credit situation, it is better to do it off board and away from prying eyes. And a telephone number, by the way, is an excellant way to do that communication.

    Where do you get the idea that I think my advice is superior to thefico.com score simulator? I have never indicated that in any way. It is a tool and, when used properly, is a valuable tool. Sorry to bust your bubble again though.

    Another thing, where do you get the idea that I am outraged at or with you? Your attitude and antics are not worth the bother to get outraged.

  15. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Get over yourself. You said what you said, and I said what I said (with less pomposity). I'm twisting nothing. You're just bad at this.
    Technically, that information doesn't authorize you to do jack. But written instructions do. Better watch it, Cowboy.
    See the "in writing" part, above.
    Well, then let's just clear that up, right here and right now: What's better to find out how to increase one's score-- you, or the simulator?
    Oh brother.

    Sue me.
  16. charityg

    charityg Well-Known Member

    I've been mostly lurking on this forum for 4 months now, and I just have to comment, I can't hold back.

    Greg, in my honest opinion (which I am entitled to) you are a bonafide pompous A$$!!

    Fla-Tan, don't argue with him, he gets off on it. We all know the wealth of information you have provided CNers about mortgage loans that have helped them make an informed decision relating to their specific situation. Keep it up!

    There! I feel better for getting that out!
  17. TedTX

    TedTX Well-Known Member

    I can just picture Greg in his bunny slippers in front of his computer posting all over the net.
  18. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    If you can show us anything that I've said that's incorrect, go ahead.

    But, please, be specific.
  19. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    FlaTan is in the mortgage industry, who better to tell you HOW to raise your score FOR a mortgage loan than him???
    The simulator is great if you want to know roughly how to raise your score for credit products in general not on mortgage's.
    A lot of people may think it's best to pay off credit cards but leave yourself with 2 or 3 installment loans. For a mortgage not necessarily, for a CC most likely.

    In case you are wondering why DH's score isn't higher (which is what I gathered in one of your posts), his oldest acct. is 4 years old. One CA on TU from (01), and one CA on EQU (from 98).
  20. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    So, if you're applying for a mortgage, even though the score simulator might tell you that your score would increase if you paid off the credit cards, you wouldn't do it?

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