Greg, I hate to burst your bubble, but I think fla-tan WAS refering to getting written authorization. Im curious, what exactly do you do for a living?
Mind reading Ironically, though, WRITTEN INSTRUCTION (see the law) was the ONE thing he left out. But, I beg your pardon a thousand times: I didn't realize you are clairvoyant and know, telepathically, to what he was REALLY referring. Ad hominem arguments bore me; how I make a living has nothing to do with the facts. Since you're the only one playing, do you care to discuss them?
Greg You sited a statement of mine and said that the information doesn't authorize me to do jack. And as far as you went that is correct, however, contained within the quote was a very important caveat that you conveniently ignored. I am including the entire quote just to remind you...I used SSN, address, and phone numbers as examples of the type of information that could be needed. And yes, with that information if I am authorized (by the person) I can obtain a person's credit information and give them detailed information that they are you see where I stated {if I am authorized (by the person)]} that means that I first get their permission and authorization to obtain the required information, and yes I get it in writing. I didn't think (though I should have realized otherwise) that you were so anal that I had to spell every little aspect of my business to you. As a matter of fact, it is none of your d*mn business how I do my business. Let me just add for your personal benefit, that I, like all mortgage people (at least where I am located) am audited regularly and no auditor has ever had any problem with any aspect of my business operations. I don't need nor do I intend to justify the way I do business with you. fla-tan
I just logged in. It's very loud in here. FLA-TAN, I got your message and will email you in the morning (Mountain Time). It's been a long day and my mind and body are still in Eastern Standard Time. Thanks for the advice. Monday, I'm asking for a "Good Faith Estimate" also. I think the builder's lender will try to rip me off.
[EDITED POST] PBM, WHERE ARE YOU???? (Old PBM.. New PBM.. SOMEONE, moderate this board before it ends up killing off all the helpful CreditNetters!)
What business are you conducting through this message board?
Greg - what is wrong with you? You think you are an expert in everything and think you know everything. Is it possible that someone in the mortgage business might know more about it than you? What do you do, just pick someone every couple of months to start trouble with? You have really not helped anybody here which is the idea behind this board. I think PBM would do well to close your acct. And if you are going to attack me now, go for it, but I won't respond to any of your bullshit.
Rather than debate back and forth with members about non-issues, lets submit constructive and informative posts. That's what I look for when I visit Creditnet. If you have an issue with someone guys and gals, don't use the board to "air the laundry." Just use the "ignore" option.
Hey Greg! LKH might not respond, but I'm sure fla-tan and I will! Glad to see you're back! Not really, but I do enjoy reading you egotistical ill-informed rants. It reminds of debate/logistics/logics class in high school and college--where one side is forced to debate totally incorrect info. but retains the style and structure of "proper" debate. Unfortunately, this board isn't high school, college, or a debate class. Since we have a lot of "new posters" maybe we should remind them of your "distasteful" performance with Quixote. In fact, i know of several posters who are now scared of posting their TRULY important cases that could literally reshape the "credit scoring accuracy" that you so passionately pursue. Why? because of people like you. What did I tell you about your ego hurting your cause more than helping it?? On second thought, just get loss, Greg. On third thought, maybe you SHOULD be meditating on the top of some mountain or reading self-help books written by scams like Zig Ziglar and Napoleon Hill. Those books might do you some good, or at least, keep you occupied enough so that you're not posting here.
I know that I refuse to post any pertinent information about my current cases because of that "behavior". It is quite a shame....
How are Zig Ziglar and Napoleon Hill books 'scams' ?? I actually quite enjoyed Napolean Hill's book..
Greg, You're out of line. Fla-tan *does* know more than you on this subject. He and the other poster discussing AU are absolutely correct. And, yes, 28/36, while no longer a limitation for every program out there, is *still* a decent standard to go by and something lenders like to see. And some lenders still require it. There's a financial reason 28/36 makes sense. No credit scoring model in the world can trump financial common sense. Finally - I personally HIGHLY resent your insinuation re Fla-tan doing business on this board. It is exactly *because* Fla-tan has purposefully and almost painfully REFRAINED from soliciting business on this board that he has had the success he has. Can anyone say that about you? Have you conducted yourself with such class and professionalism on this board that posters *want* to ask you to take on a credit scoring case for them and freely volunteer their information to you? Do you elicit that type of trust in board members? Can we trust you to handle our personal information professionally, keeping it personal? Fla-tan has. He's done it for me and he's done it for several others. You wouldn't know it because this attribute is called "class" and people who have class know how, when and where to conduct themselves professionally. You are so wrong, and frankly incredibly pathetic to keep up this argument. Fla-tan has beaten you in spades and you don't have the sense to realize it... Class, Greg, it's all about class...
Gee Greg, that's a good question. Do you have ANY evidence to show that I have conducted business through this forum? There isn't any. What has happened is that some members have asked me to assist them in obtaining mortgage information specific to their needs. In addition some members have actually asked me to help them obtain a mortgage. Golly how audacious I must be, I agree to provide a professional service to someone who approaches me. By george that must be a violation of TOS. Greg, you must immediately notify the board about how evil I am. **********Sarcasm Mode Off************* fla-tan
LKH I am not worried about the ad hominem attacks from the windbag formerly known as Greg. I think that anybody that reads the entire posts will recognize what actually is happening and can make a decision for themselves. fla-tan
jdog Don't let someone like the windbag formerly known as Greg prevent you from seeking the assistance that you are looking for. One of the beauties of this board is the anonymity it allows. Since noone knows who you are, you don't have to worry about personal attacks. Just be sure that you DO NOT provide specific personal information in any request for assistance here. If you feel you need it, I am sure that there are several other members besides me that are willing to speak off-board either by email or voice. fla-tan
Marc Glad to see you back to your old self...LOL Don't let the windbag formerly known as Greg worry you. I don't. His "attacks" on me, while he may think are devestating, are actually humorously pathetic. I was going to put him on ignore, but then decided that would allow him to spread his vitriolic poison without a response. It is not what windbag says so much as the "holier than thou" attitude that windbag does it with. It causes valid points to become lost in the shrillness. And yes, the windbag does have valid points at times, though nowhere near as often as he thinks. fla-tan
Card Take your time, email me at your convenience. As before, I will attempt to assist you however I can. I will try to recommend a couple of options for you. ********Alert for the Windbag formerly known as Greg************ I may be conducting business here...though I am not licensed in the State that CardKid is located **************Alert mode for Windbag off*********** fla-tan
Nestea I have no intentions of going anywhere (I am assuming you were concerned about that, if I am wrong don't tell me. I don't know if my fragile psyche could handle the rejection...LOL) The windbag fromerly known as Greg is just that and while I will not put windbag on ignore, I will not let him be more than the minor irritant he is. Though I will say that he has brought an occasional valid point to the discussion and has caused me to better explain myself a time or two. fla-tan
Marci Thanks for the moral support. Unfortunately though, the windbag formerly known as Greg has found me out. I am a plant for the evil mortgage industry and my sole purpose on this board is to provide nothing but inaccurate information designed to make borrowers pay untold extra thousands of dollars in fees and interest rates. I am being paid by both the Collection agency and Credit Reporting lobbies. I guess I will just leave in shame. If my handlers find out, they will send me to the Gulag Archipelago where I must belong. (I don't know if I can keep this sarcasm going much longer) Hey windbag formerly known as Greg, here's some more stuff for you to miss quote. fla-tan