Great site, been looking for a couple days. I have 2 meds. for less than $100.00 each that are with 2 different CA's. They are 2 Collections I have and I need to get rid of them. They both heve been "verified" and are in SOL. Should I try DV with the CA's with a possible PFD or HIPAA? These two need to go!!
Are they legitimate, and is the amount alleged due correct? Have insurance claims been correctly filed and paid, and do the amounts correctly reflect insurance adjustments, insurance payments, and any patient payments made?
Also, if someone will, I have Judgement on 2CRA"s that is in SOL as well. Will the CRA verify with the local CH? I have disputed. One more, while I'm here, 2 accounts that I'm listed as AU. Derogs.(They belong to the X) These were all done while in a bad marriage that desroyed me! Been Div. 4 yrs., just now trying to repair credit. HELP
The AUs (not Joints) should be possible to get off your reports. SOL for judgements may be longer than SOL for the original debts. Once they get a judgement, the original SOL is irrelevant. If they are, say, CC accounts at high rates, at least they will only acrue interest at some statutory rate, usually lower. Are they paid?
Yea, it is paid(Judgement), been paid a year or so. I have done a basic dispute with the CRA's nothing back yet. Expecting them to Verify and from what I have read, no Clerk's Office will Verify. The Meds. I'm thinking I may should try the PFD vs the HIPAA, without acknowledging ownership of the account. Any ideas?
You have an interesting concept there. You said it is a paid judgment. Then you say you want to try the PFD which is, as I have always understood means Pay For Deletion? Do you plan to pay them extra for deletion or what?
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I have 2 different issues here with the Judgement and Meds. The Judgement was for a CA that had to do with a CC. The meds are the ones I thinking about doing a PFD. The basic dispute was in reference to my answer to ontrack about have I disputed . I have disputed the Judgement and have not heard anything on it. I have disputed the Meds., witht the CRA., and got the name, add., blah, blah, blah match. The meds are with a CA and I have not contacted them. Waiting for advice on HIPAA or PFD., as both are less than $100.00 each. Any advice as to the Clerk verifying a Judgement or is it done by 3rd party such as L/N?
Just an update It's been so long since I originally posted on these. Just an update. The judgements were deleted right off the bat. The med., I paid the OC, used HIPAA route, OC paid the CA. CA listed as paid. I sent "nutcase letter", CA wrote back that they would delete, and have done so. So both are gone with help from you guys.