I don't think I've posted since July, had alot of "other stuff going on" and took a break....anyway just wanted to say hi to everyone. I have 1 derog left on TU and EX....ARGH, but shouldn't complain with my LONG break... Anyway, I cannot believe that in 1999 I couldn't even buy a cell phone in my name w/o a HUGE deposit....and now (w/ the help of this board I closed on my first home in January and just bought 2 brand new cars!!! What a change!!! I'm in the process of refinancing now too at a lower interest rate!! BTW What is this new "bumpage" LKH came up with?? Thanks for the help and sorry for not being on for so long.....
Welcome back SOUP!!!! Congrats on the credit improvements. Hopefully, I will be like you one day when I grow up :O) ... UNLV34
Hey Martysgirl!!!!!!!!!! I see your EQ stuck above 700!!! Congrats...mine got knocked down shortly after getting Citi, AMex, BestBuy, Macy's, Chevron and everything else in June!! LOL But I LOVED seeing the instant "your approved"!!! Nice to be back, glad you remembered me!!! )
SURE I remembered you! You where my credit app partner....lol Actually my beacon did drop However... I had to do some tweaking...lol... to get it back up to the 700 mark. Now... it's all good! I'm very glad to see you back!