
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by katnip, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. katnip

    katnip New Member


    Hello everyone. My name is Kat and I f****d my credit up back in college. Well here it is, almost 7 years from the first preapproved credit card I had the pleasure of having. My credit, as you may have guessed, sucks!

    Luckily for me i never went totaly overboard so I have managed my debt to the 5000 range mostly charge off, collections. No judgements.

    3 credit cards
    2 off the wall charges are what appears.

    My goal is to raise my credit score from " get a second job" to " get a second job and save''.

    Im off to read all i can before posting any rhetorical questions.

    Im looking into settin up an account with the post office. This should be fun.

    Ok so I went thru some mail. And I had two of those credit monitoring things. So I glance at them and my scores have went up aprroximately 10-20 points with Experian being the lowest.

    What I have a problem with is this dam providian card. I had 2 one around 600 the other around 1100. However the 600 say 0 balance. No company has bought it. 6.10 years old. The latter is 1100 but says 1800 ( Finance charges I guess, but its also 6.10 years old) by this i mean the last time i pay them any money. I was and am a starving student litteraly. So did they just combine the two ?

    If so then can I request that the one 600 is removed my CR is long and drawn out due to this fact. My total debt is 2100.00 msrp but it looks like I owe 5 diff companies for 2 damn cards.

    Is there a break down of laymans terms for this confusing mess ? ( mess being the detailed CR )

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