HIGH CLs HOW???? I have seen.....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Sub4Prime, Jan 3, 2002.

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  1. the other

    the other Well-Known Member


    I just thought you were trying to say Lizard lied about the 130k. I don't mean to be antogonistic.

    I agree that one should not report on income of 100k or higher if their income is not even close.
  2. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    I JUST READ THE THREAD! OH MY GAAAAWWWD BECKY! I HAD NOT IDEAL! I have some disputes on inquiries and 3 CA's I know will be gone by Jan 12 only eight days away. I will be calling the Citi Jan 13!

    Quixote THANKS!
  3. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    You're welcome. One question: Who's Becky?

    Unrelated to anything, I sure miss the spel chekr.
  4. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    That reminds me of a Sir-Mix-a-Lot song..Oh My Gawd...Becky...Look at her butt....it is sooooo big.... Hehe
  5. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    ROFL!!! "I like big butts and I cannot lie..."

    *Phew* I need a drink. :)
  6. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Beaker has had a rough day....Passing her the virtual vodka bottle.... (after taking my own swig, of course)
  7. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    Thanks! It's Friday! Shots all around (and Pepsi for George)!
  8. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    How Freakin Hysterical!!!! Dh is watching Charlies Angels and this song just came on!!!! ROFLMFAO
  9. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    When I was responding, that song was playing! I just could not resist. Most of my peers are off so I in the office in jeans with the music blasting......

    just a little humor ;-)

    I mean to get that type of credit so quickly is truly amazing! {Citi}
  10. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Telling the truth is smart. Being totally open is not.
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I need some EXTRA PEPSI today...

  12. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    *Becky* is a girl (who is caucasion) in one of Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back" videos (Rap). Her and her friend are talking about a black girl with a big butt and the line <in Valley Girl talk> was:
  13. ALAN

    ALAN Well-Known Member

    Is it possible for you to elaborate on your post? I don't understand what you mean by "being totally open" is not smart. Is there something that one needs to hide from others?
  14. superadman

    superadman Banned

    Play nice, boys.

    High income is a wonderful thing indeed. But it is clearly a relative term. There are plenty of people that earn over a half million dollars per year and a surprising number of million dollar a year people. But when you claim a high income credit grantors look in your reports for the patterns of big money. If you don't have several pages of big money history they will scrutinize the hell out of your income claim. Tax returns the whole 9.

    At 100K/yr and up you are making so much more that anyone at a credit grantor that sees your application that they tend to "playa hate"
  15. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    If they have that much money, credit probably wouldn't matter very much anyways. If I had that kind of money, I'd pay cash for the house and car too. No sense in paying interest to build your credit when you are worth millions.
  16. ALAN

    ALAN Well-Known Member

    You see, this is exactly what I mean. In an earlier post, didn't I state that I was not trying to start up anything. Look at where you are taking this. Now you call me names, tell me I'm a preaching ----... and you want me to put you on ignore. If you read the posts from earlier, I never said you lied about your income, read the detail, you will see. From the posts that you have written in the past, I have gained valuable advice from the things you have shared on the board. It kind of hurts to see how you think of me and I just don't understand why you are taking so much offense to nothing at all. I always thought that maturity comes with age, but by the way you reacted to earlier posts, it looks like I'm the bigger man even though you are probably older than I am. If I knew how you acted in person, I would guess that you are quite irritable in any situation. Man, just calm down ok, there's no sense in getting upset. There are alot more things to worry about in life than getting upset with some person in a message board over something as small as what you are arguing about. Have a great day Lizard, and if you don't mind, I would like to keep on interacting with you on credit posts in this board, because you have knowlege that benefits us all.
  17. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    Okay MP$40

    Did you dig deep into your lp's or did you remember that one?

  18. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I remembered it. I own the casette tape. hehe. I also have digital underground. The humpty dance.

    Flash from the Past. hehe
  19. superadman

    superadman Banned

    ....way back.
  20. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    On the tip of high income I have only been enjoying it for about 9 months. At first you are a little shocked when those first checks come across your desk.

    Is this really mine? then you quickly get over it.

    I feel very blessed, early last year I went for a car loan and was turned down. A mere 4 months later I went to the same dealership and knocked 7200.00 off sticker because I had cash.

    -it is the first time i ever had a car sales person. Doing tricks! it was such a great feeling to have them play on field versus me begging for a loan.

    But in reality credit is king, sooner or later you are going to need it. No matter what your income is.
    With all of those 0.00% deals out there now,those with excellent credit and cash can have their cake and eat it and put some in the frig for later....................
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