Somewhere in time around march 2000 I enrolled in a trade school to learn computer operations. What a rip off. Never do this. Please. The school said the federal gov/t would pay for my education and that I could pay them back on graduation and a job. This did not happen. After 7 months The school closed. No education No job. The bills total: nyshe $9644 Discharged (they claim they have not recieved any confirmation of this) $4,000 Citibank education fund 2,625 citibank education fund Citi claims to recover from the federal got insurance on these. I never recieved a bill. My question is how do I proceed to clear these off my credit report? Thanks for you help. Wizzard
My $16,000.00 Mistake In a recent post Higher Education Loan should be titled My $16,000.00 Mistake. This trade schol closed after 7 months no refund of the money I think I heard that some one took all the money and ran. This school had been in business for over 29 years. Had 3 campuses and 100's of students. I wrote to the nyshe department and explained my sititation. They sent me a letter back saying that the loan had been discharged. I have moved several times since then and lost the letter. When I called their collections department to tell them this ,they said that they did not recieve any notice from the discharge department. I have several ZOMBIE debt collectors posting to my credit report 1 regarding this loan. How do I remove them?
My $16,000.00 Mistake Something happened yesterday. I took action!! I downloaded my free CR from EQU and went to work. I started with the highest one first. I logged onto their website found a page about" Did your school close" You may not have to pay!!! Sweet je good news for me. I called the number on the website and spoke to a CSR who said I would have to contact a CA that has my account.I asked him if he was familiar with the Discharge Page.Yes, he said. I told him that my loan was discharged in 2001. He placed me on hold came back in 15 min and said they would have to look into it further took my phone # and said they will call me back. see continued Wizzard
My $16,000.00 Mistake Try to get some documentation that the school has closed...maybe bankruptcy information, or maybe the ny state education department or ny secretary of state or even the ny attorney general's office.... If you have proof the school closed, then that is a valid reason to have guaranteed student loan debt forgiven