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High Speed DSL Anyone?

Discussion in 'General Lounge' started by CardKid, Apr 2, 2002.

  1. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

  2. catatized

    catatized Active Member

    I ran the test 3 x'sfrom www.bandwidthplace.com/index.html and the results were:

    1) 1.7mbs

    FANTASTIC...ATT Broadband cable modem in Los Angeles.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Your raw speed was 2019625.1 bits per second.
  4. CardKid

    CardKid Well-Known Member

    Can someone check my speed results above and tell me if I'm okay. Or, is there room for tweaking? If tweakable, what program can I use or what site can I check out to learn how to do it?

    Also, I installed the ZoneAlarm software. It's working well. I get a pop-up message that tells me who's trying to access or send information. Thanks for the advice.

  5. catatized

    catatized Active Member

    Your results seem very good. Your above the 1 meg barrier and you should be rockin and rollin!
  6. hhh329

    hhh329 Well-Known Member

    I for one will cancel DSL thru swBell as soon as my 1yr contract expires.

    -more expensive than Roadrunner 49.95/29.95
    -pc (1.4GHz CPU) now takes forever to load windows after that DSL software installation
    -the ever annoying intermittenly pausing. Argghh!

    I'll take a chance on cable being sluggish during high traffic time. Anything's better than that constant pause. Heck, netzero never gave that pause!

    hth :)
  7. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member


    I'm glad you rocking. 1.2MB and 217up is good.. Pretty much your upload is capped so between 190-230 is avg for your area in SE GA :) What OS are you using? I've never heard of that modem, but it's probably a Alcatel modem. You should make sure you have the latest driver for your modem,and eventhough it's new, those drivers come out faster than lightning. Depending on your OS i can suggest some additional tweaks. ZoneAlarm is the best. did you test your speeds at http://atl.speakeasy.net ?

    hhh329 there's a fix for that let me search around my stuff. What method are you using, Ethernet or USB?
  8. CardKid

    CardKid Well-Known Member

    Cool. Thanks. Now, I'll probably watch the news on my PC considering that I'm now up to speed. I just need to find the content somewhere on the web.

  9. CardKid

    CardKid Well-Known Member


    On the desktop, I'm using Windows ME. When my notebooke comes in, I will be using XP.

    Here are my results from Speakeasy.net:

    2002-04-12 21:18:15 EST: 1235 / 219
    Your download speed : 1235768 bps, or 1235 kbps.
    Browsers would show : about a 150.8 KB/sec transfer rate.
    Your upload speed : 219298 bps, or 219 kbps.
    Seems like broadband .. above the 1mbit barrier!

  10. CardKid

    CardKid Well-Known Member

    I found content. The Windows Media Player allows you to watch news briefs using the full screen. With DSL, it's crystal clear. No jerkiness at all. This is really nice.

    By the way, the company that makes the modem is Efficient Networks at http://www.efficientnetworks.com/

  11. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Efficent are good, i push those sometime. Man you should get rid of ME..... as a engineer i've had so many problems and issues with that os. It wasn't even suppose to come out. I'd go with win2k or XP. You'll be better off. I'm sure it serves your purposes,but i have no love....
  12. steve

    steve Well-Known Member


    If you would like to tweak your high speed connection to achieve peak results, you can download any of the free programs from cnet.com. I downloaded one of these a few days ago and my cable access went from 1 Mbps to 4 Mbps!!! (almost 100X faster than a dialup connection).

    It's a good idea to use a router to share high speed access among multiple PCs, but I found that this significantly cuts the speed.

    With router: 700K
    Without router: 4000K (4 Mbps)
  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    How do you NOT use a ROUTER with 4 computers in the house???
    (AT&T CABLE)
  14. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    I have 3 PCs at home and I'm trying to figure out the same thing. I guess I'll use the router during weekdays and the direct hookup during weekends. Or maybe the direct connection when I'm planning to download large files or to show guests who come over and the router at other times.
  15. NCGolfer

    NCGolfer Well-Known Member

    I posted this earlier and I have had a few emails. I have a file that optimizes Windows to speed up Cable/DSL connection.

    Here are my results:

    2002-04-13 20:04:44 EST: 2125 / 356
    Your download speed : 2125779 bps, or 2125 kbps.
    Browsers would show : about a 259.4 KB/sec transfer rate.
    Your upload speed : 356019 bps, or 356 kbps.
    Seems like broadband .. above the 1mbit barrier!
  16. NCGolfer

    NCGolfer Well-Known Member

    Email me at yitbos1987@yahoo.com
  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Your raw speed was 1755014.16 bits per second.
    Slower today than yesterday...
  18. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Steve & George with my Dsl.(DirecTVdsl) I can hook up 3 Computers straight to the Modem/Gateway it comes with, i then use a Hub to connect my other 2 computers. My Mini Network is comprised of 5 computers without using a dedicated Router so to say. The aforementioned gateway that comes with the services acts as the Modem and in this instace Router. They(Directvdsl) charges 9.95 addtl if you want a 3 direct connect modem(2 comes standard), but since i know how to do it myself i bypassed the extra money which is crazy for something easy. I don't suffer any speed loss either with the network. If you go the router avenue to me linkysis makes the best with built in Nat and firewall.......
  19. catatized

    catatized Active Member

    Using Windows NT, 2000 or XP (and possibly ME) you can use thier networking configuration to use one of the cmputers as a 'gateway' That computer will need 2 network interface cards. One to connect to the modem, and one to connect to your hub. You setup the nic card connected to the modem to be accepted by your DSL or Cable internet provider (usually to request and IP address from a DHCP server--this is a dynamic IP address, otherwise, enter the static IP address given to you by your provider). You then setup your second NIC card with a static IP address of your chosing that cannot be found on the internet ( is a good choice in most cases) and the nic cards can be set up with IP addresses of,, etc. using as a gateway to the internet.

    It all sounds pretty technical, but its really pretty simple, especially with ME and XP in the home...they have wizards that do it all for you. If your running 98, well, you need a routing with NAT translation and built in DHCP server...........Test int he morning boys and girls.
  20. CardKid

    CardKid Well-Known Member

    DSL, Cable Modem or Satellite?

    I wanted to revisit this topic rather than post a new one. Now that I'm in the Southwest, I had to choose a new DSL provider. I went with AOL and it's been several months and many service calls.

    What's everyone using these days and how is the performance? I plan on making a switch in the immediate future if I can find a good value (the same price or less than AOL Highspeed). Thanks in advance.


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