Re: Admin - My suggestion/request Most definately! I think areas like location and biography would be great to have. For instance under biography, one could put post BK13 or FICO 720, etc. stuff like that. I think areas like this are valuable to people that are serious about getting their credit back on track. This way they can see how others have progressed. Also, maybe an area to post your email address visibly as a hyberlink (like when someone clicks on your name, your profile pops up and next to 'contact ........' have their email address along w/ add buddy which you already have) so that if someone wants to take a discussion off line, they can. This would save on people haveing to read through countless threads of personal chat back and forth. Also, what is going to be the future use of having a *buddy list*??? I've already added buddies!
I've figured out the scrolling thing, FINALLY. Just hit mark read and you will then go to the last post that you did not read in the updated thread.
Re: Also... You are correct, when someone replies to a thread the thread goes back to the top of the list. This is to bring the thread 'back alive.' One of the complaints on the old board was that threads died too quickly due to the volume of daily posts. Bringing it back to the top should help keep the threads alive for as long as necessary. Sincererly, pbm Creditnet
Re: Admin - My suggestion/request Regarding location/biography/etc., that is a very good idea. We could recycle those areas for FICO scorse, credit cards you hold, or any other relevant info. Excellent idea, we will look into this most certainly. With respect to email, we deliberately disabled that feature in an effort to preserve total anonymity and protect you from potential abuse. However, we could re-introduce the email feature and leave it up to each user to decide whether or not they would like their email address displayed. Another option is to enable email, but to disallow the viewing of an email address. In the latter case sending an email to a member would do so through Straight Talk without revealing the recipent's name to the sender. The sender, upon receipt of that email, will be able to see your email address with which you registered on this board. If they email you back, you too will see their email address. Finally, the 'Buddy List' is helpful to quickly see whether or not a buddy is online. Considering you cannot email or message them at present, the purpose of such a list is hampered. Again, we will explore this more thoroughly and post suggestions on this board. Thanks for your feedback. You have some excellent suggestions. Sincerely, pbm Creditnet
Re: Admin - My suggestion/request I've just started trying the new board out, but so far everything seems ok.