I've read a few threads that lightly touch on saying the best time to dispute anything is during the holidays because of short staff and vacation days. My question is, when should you start? Also, are they more likely to be reinserted? -0m
Wait until Dec 10th to mail.... FCRA actually gives creditors 5 days to respond to the CRAs, but 30 days for the CRAs to finish the investigation. Once you get a deletion, the CRAs must have a "certified" reason from the creditors to reinsert and MUST notify you within 5 days of doing so. If they fail to have either, you can get it deleted without an investigation if you keep copies of the reports with deletions.
I like to suggest the 5th of the month. It just seems to me that if you get in later than that it's gong to take about 5 days for them to get the letter and so that starts your 30 day time frame around the 10. If you look at the other end of that, you are looking at the 10 of January and by that time they may have things back up to speed again and getting caught up. So I would not want to be any later than that. I don't have any experience with it so it's just a matter of thinking the thing through and coming up with what seems to be a common sense answer. I haven't filed any disputes with credit bureaus since August of last yeer and then only two if I remember correctly. obviously then, I also have no idea about re-insertions. I just make the creditor or the collection agency take them off for me and I never worry about reinsertions. About all I know about credit bureaus is how to read all their codes and stuff like that.
Wow I arrived at that exact date with all my calculations Sofa...I am doing mine on the 7th also (ONLINE not snail mail). Lets unite and at least do a mini CreditNet dispute FLOOD between the 5th and the 10th. Pick your own date, but somewhere between those dates will get you in the CreditNet holiday ONSLAUGHT of disputes...Attica Attica Attica ... (oh ...wrong mob forming group injustice chant...sorry). So: * Sign up for the 1st annual C.H.O.D. - CreditNet Holiday Onslaught of Disputes.* -Peace, Dave
"So: * Sign up for the 1st annual C.H.O.D. - CreditNet Holiday Onslaught of Disputes.*" I'M IN, Dave... let the games BEGIN! ...Don't forget the torches and axe handles! SK
I'm signing up as well, but hoping to get my validation letters to CA out on Monday. Is that timing about right? ANyone???
Sure!! Glad you're joining us Christi...It's a bit early, but if you have to, Monday is good (I assume you mean this Monday 11/26). Let the onslaught begin! -Peace Dave
I was going to send in a dispute to TU this Monday but after reading this I think I'll wait until the December 7 as well. I'm going to fax mine in. Seasons Greetings to all!
Actually, if you are aiming for the exact midpoint between the Bkev date and the bbauer date, you should send your disputes on the 7 1/2 rather than on the 7th. Moreover, if you figure that an average USPS workday is 9 hours (i.e., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), you should enter the post office at precisely 12:30 p.m. on December 7. Assuming, however, that you should allow about 12 minutes for addressing the registered letters and return address receipts, as well as for queueing time, I would enter the post office at 12:18 p.m. That will put you squarely at the midpoint between the two strategic dates. Doc
Or on the other hand, maybe we should use the worthkowing bell curve and gather all the opinions on the forum and use them for our statistical modeling. We might then be able to outlaw December 7th and make them take it off the calendar. It is an imfamous day in history anyway and should be outlawed. LOL
I was planning on an online dispute, would this change your suggested date or do you recommend USPS? -0m
I recommend USPS for the first time you dispute any account so that you will have a papertrail for evidence. In this case, I would again recommend an evidence papertrail in which case is USPS. If you do it online, the 30 days don't start ticking until they enter it into the computer for processing... It takes more time to process a written request which is what you want. I'd even go a step further and handwrite this investigation request. You want it to look just like everyone else.
I just started my first round of disputes today! I'll go back with round 2 on Friday, and round 3 the following Friday. Hopefully something will get done.
If you send three rounds of disputes for one account, nothing will happen. You send one, wait 30 days, get the results and if it's not a deletion, you start again. You don't send three for one account within days.....
Matty, if you mention that you won't turn 18 until June 11, 2002, they may kill your file altogether. Creditors can't report information on minors. Then you can begin fresh mid-term next year. Neither can CRAs maintain files on minors (or dead people, but that's another story, lol). Neither can CRAs legally report any information about those who they know to be under the age of 18. Just a thought. Doc
That's bizarre. The credit union said they will report my loan and co-signed card, and everything reports. Originally, all 3 reports reflected my correct DOB, but then they screwed up somehow.