Home Depot CLI or Lowe's Card?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by boomer, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. boomer

    boomer Well-Known Member

    I am closing on my first home at the end of August (got a great rate thanks to the help I got here the past 3 years!) and need to have a larger CL on my Home Depot card but am not sure how to go about it. Here's the facts:

    I have had the card for about 4 years. I charge between $25 and $100 a month and pay it off in full every month with the exception of Christmastime when I usually charge about $300-$400 and pay it off in 2-3 months. My CL was $200 at the beginning and slowly crept up to $900 where it has remained for the past year and a half or so.

    My mid scores are 645, 670 and 710.

    Can I get a CLI without an inquiry? If so, how much? If I wait 'til after the closing and take the inquiry what could I expect? Does it do any good to explain why i want a decent increase (to get stuff for the house)?

    I was also thinking about getting a Lowe's card as they just opened in the area. How generous are they?

    Thanks for any advice!

  2. broncsboi

    broncsboi Well-Known Member

    I would NOT apply for any new credit until you close on the house. Very bad move.

    You need to make sure HD doesn't do a hard pull on a CLI before you close either. Bad bad.

    If you need $900 (or...ugh..more) to charge stuff for your new house then you need to think twice about buying a house. Or just wait until you have cash. Save your HD card for when your fridge goes out or you need a new AC unit on the house. Not for lawn hoses or a new screwdriver.

    Take it easy on the credit card thoughts until you close.
  3. boomer

    boomer Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice. I will not do anything to any of my cards until AFTER I close.

    I have a decent sized savings account with enough funds to cover most emergencies. I was looking to get CLIs to take advantage of the 0% financing for 1 year on purchases over $299 as I will need to get a washer and a dryer and would rather defer payment than using savings.
  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    That makes sense, to use someone else's money. But I agree, don't do ANYTHING until after closing.

    You can call and ask if you can get an increase without a pull. But if you're not going to buy anything major (like a car) it won't matter if your scores take a temporary hit.

    I'd wait until after closing, get the increase and try for the Lowe's card as well.

    I think HD is Citi, not sure who has the Lowe's card. Citi is usually good with increases on their MasterCards, I don't know about the HD card though.
  5. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    I just looked it up--Lowe's cards are through Monogram Credit Card Bank of Georgia.

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