Home Depot

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MrBadFico, Mar 5, 2002.

  1. MrBadFico

    MrBadFico Active Member

    Is Home Depot a hard card to get, I am wandering what or where do they want your scores to fall to get a darn card???
  2. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I applied for Home Depot Card three years ago and I got approved for $600. I had a couple of charge-off accounts on my credit report. They pulled credit from Experian.

  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Ron, What were your scores from EX at that time? What part of SA are you from? I'm from Boerne. Charlie
  4. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    No bk and scores in the 600's

    not sure about other derogs.

    Best regards,
  5. Kernel

    Kernel Member


    I had previously applied for Home Depot and was turned down. Several on this board had stated that they thought that the credit approval criteria was a little lower in the summertime (assuming to help bolster summer home improvement sales). Well, I waited until about mid-summer and applied online and was approved for $500 line. Issuing bank was Montgomery Credit Card Bank of Georgia.

    Good luck,
  6. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I didn't know my score at that time and I have at least six charge-off accounts in my Equifax report. I got pre-approvaal application that came with my Exxon Card. I mailed it in and they took almost two months to approve my application. They approved me for $600. I lived in Northwest part of SA.

  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info. Not to far away......from me. Charlie
  8. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    From what I hear, they are easy to get but not bk friendly. (monogram bank, ga)
  9. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Do you know if they pull Experian only? Or other CRA's? I am in CA actually..
  10. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    Last month, my brother and I applied for Old Navy account inside the store at the same time. They pulled credit for him from TransUnion and for me from Experian. It looks like they picked one of the choice either from Experian or TransUnion. I applied over the internet and they pulled credit from both Experian and TransUnion. They used to pull credit from Experian only when I got American Eagle Card, Disney's credit card and Lowe's Card.

  11. MrBadFico

    MrBadFico Active Member

    Disney has a card how hard is it to get?
  12. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I mailed my Disney application and I got approved for $800. Last year I applied for Old Navy card for two times and they denied me either excessive inquiries or unable to verify address. They can get approved either you mailed your application or apply inside the store. The Disney Card should be easy to get.

  13. MrBadFico

    MrBadFico Active Member

    Where do you apply for a Disney card I would love to have one. Can you buy theme park tickets with it or is it just for the Disney store?
  14. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    You can apply for Disney Credit Card over the internet and here is the link:


    You can charge theme tickets, hotels, merchandise inside the theme parks and in Disney store. My Disney credit card has Mickey Mouse hologram and I don't know whether they have it or not.

  15. MrBadFico

    MrBadFico Active Member

    Must be a hard one to get I just tried and got denied said they would send me info as to why???
    Whats there criteria I thought my credit was looking up!!!
  16. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    I got denied twice for Old Navy because they couldn't verify my address. I went inside the store to apply and I got approved instantly for $700. Inside the store, they enter your info such as SSN#, DL #, swipe your major CC ( for identification purpose). Last year, I applied over the websites, they pull credit both from Experian and TransUnion. It is not tough to get if you don't have any negative on your report.

  17. MrBadFico

    MrBadFico Active Member

    There in lies the problem I have a few negatives on my report. I guess I need to wait a few months before I try again hopefully my bad stuff will fall off.

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