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Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Reatha, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone.

    I love LOVE this board so much. Cannot tell you how much help it has provided over the years.

    I have a housing question (like many). I am one of the fortunate who was able to get a great modification on my current home loan. It's a 30 yr. fixed at a great rate, super great payment. However, I owe much more on it than it is worth (who doesn't, right?). I was just wondering what your thoughts are on staying in it or giving it the boot b/c of the debt to value ratio on it. This is my dream home, but lately I just keep thinking about the dream price attached to it. :( This was fine when the home was holding value, but we all know how that story has gone. Yet, I can't imagine when in the future I would ever be able to buy again, as this economy has caused me some dings in my credit.

    That being said, I imagine my credit score is fine to find a place to rent. But, is it silly to throw money away at rent when I can continue to throw it at ownership, even at a price?
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Hi Reatha- glad to hear that CreditNet has been a great resource for you over the years!

    How far underwater are you on your home?
  3. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    Approximately $100,000. Very sad indeed.
  4. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Believe me, I know how you feel. It's a tough decision. How long do you keep throwing good money at bad money?

    Well, I'm still optimistic that real estate values will recover in the next 5-10 years. If you love the home and can live in it long term, hold onto it. In the long run I think you'll be happy that you did.
  5. Heather L

    Heather L Well-Known Member

    If you enjoy living in your home and stay there for the next 5 to 10 years then I would stay and ride out the market. It will come back it always does. Thanks! Heather with BoostMyScore.NET
  6. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the answers! I really do love the home.
  7. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    You're welcome. If you love the home, stick with it. I'm optimistic real estate will recover! I just don't know how long it will take...

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