HomeEquity Loan-High Debt to Income

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cmp3400, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. cmp3400

    cmp3400 New Member

    Does anyone have any experience getting a home equity loan with a high debt to income ratio? I am curious if we will be declined or just given a higher interest rate??
    Home is in Florida
    Equity between $75-90K
    Wanting a loan for around $45-50K
    Debt to income around 60%
    FICO 700-720 (no lates or deliq-just high balances that I would like to pay off)

    Thanks for any input!
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    is the 60% with or without paying debt off. if you are paying it off with the home equity loan you should be fine if your final debt ratio is under 50%.
  3. cmp3400

    cmp3400 New Member

    Thanks for your help, after we pay off debt with the loan our ratio will be around 40%.
  4. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    if the lender is doing the payoffs you shouldn't have a problem. your looking at a rate of about prime + 2% on the scenario you presented for a HELOC. prime is currently 5.75% (and it is variable) so your rate RIGHT NOW would be 7.75%.
  5. cmp3400

    cmp3400 New Member

    Thanks all of your help. I wanted to report back and let you were right on. We got a HELOC for prime +1.75
  6. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    Great news!

    I better be close - i do HELOCs for a living!!! LOL!

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