Household account not updating

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Marie, Dec 30, 2001.

  1. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    anyone have the subprime household account?

    I have one with now almost decent terms, and I've noticed that since Household updated its system in Sept my account hasn't updated at all.

    They say they are still monthly tape reporting, and yet mine just sits there.

    Now I wouldn't normally care but my loc has gone up, and my balance that month was almost 2k...last update: 9.2001.

    So it isn't helping my ratios.

    When I call household I get the same old "we report every month" song and dance.

    anyone else noticing they're not updating the tradeline?
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Marie, most of us are having the same situation with Citi and AmEx.
  3. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member


    I had the same problem with my GM card issued by Household.

    Therefore, I logged onto the GM card website with my password and contacted Household via E-mail. They responded back 2 days later and informed me that they had forwarded an account update to all 3 CRA's.

    All 3 CrA's reflected my new ( zero ) balance within 1-3 weeks. Equifax took the longest.

    I did not dispute my balance through the CRA's directly for fear that a "hard delete" of the account would result.

    Good luck,

  4. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    same here. Got a line of increase this month and they are still reporting the old. I guess I need to email them.
  5. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    I have CompUSA through Household Bank. They will update it monthly until you receive a credit line increase or have paid the bill off in full. Then it just sits there. I received an increase three months ago and they're still reporting my old line. You just have to call them and tell them that the account has been updated for such and such time and you're putting in a request to update it. In 14 days the correct information should be reporting. Hope this helps.

  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I opened a Houehold account in September and they are STILL NOT reporting to ANY of the CRA's for me. I have called, emailed, CRRR and all I get in return is a "we update monthly to all 3 CB's" I have asked for a manual tape update and they get all confused. I carry a small balance on it (up to $100, my limit is only 300) I always pay well above the minimum. I figure if I screw up on the account it will show up on the CR's within minutes.

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