why do I have no prm's with a score of 685? Don't ya'll think that is a decent enough score to get some kind of prm's?
I they gave me a $750 cl and 0% for 6 mo no fee. I like the web site and now I am just hoping for a CL increase at 6mo(CRA told me that is the first time they will give any increase) I had two CC when I got this one they pulled EQ
I have a Household Mastercard opened in February 2002. They gave me an initial Credit Line of 1,000(score at the time unknown, but they pulled Experian--OH) and I have received 3 cl increases since then. The first was in July, 1 in September and another in October(back to back), so technically the first one was only after 5 months, and they are really a nice company, I have no complaints and am just trying to build my credit history, btw use their online bill pay it works pretty good.
I've had the household MC for 5 months. They approved me for $300 limit, $35.00 annual fee zero percent interest for 6 months. I had a fico around 550, no other revolving accounts. Also had a Cap one chargeoff-settled on the report. They do credit payments promptly, so far. They report at the end of the month. If you want your report to show a low balance, pay it before the statement date, so that it is credited by the 25th or so. Radi8
Really? No revolving? So you think they might approve me? I have no derogs Efx. 665 Tu 685 Everyone else has turned me down for the reason that I have no revolving. Do they have instant approval? What site do I go to?
O.K. Household is Orchard? I was turned down for Orchard with no derogs b/c of no revolving. 685 score.
Why is it I distinctly remember getting denied for Orchard, was offered the secured, but cannot find an inquiry anywhere? I know the inquiry has not been bumped b/c this was less than a month ago.
I appiled for the orchard card a while back and was declined, this was before I got the HH card. they only pulled a soft on EX and declined me. when I had cleaned up my reports for the most part I applied for the Orchard card again and they offered me the HH MC instead
I just went to the site and did that page where you apply and they tell you which card is best, it offered me a secured Orcahard card again? It won't let me apply for HH, it is only giving me the option to apply for the secured which I refuse to. Do you have a link of where I can go to get past the pre qualification thing?
sorry I do not, I when to the same link you are most likely started at and was transfered to the HH app
O.k. after reading your post, I went to Exp. (hadn't checked it) There is 3 softs from Orchard. I have 1 derog fm Exp pd, col. fm 97 score 605. That's about right, go to the report that has 1 neg. Everyone here says they got it pulled from Efx. and TU. Any suggestions? I can't even get past the pre-qualifying page w/o applying for the Orchard secured, and even that is a print out page so you can send them money
Did it tell you the best card for you was the secured and then transfer you to HH? Or did it tell you the card for you was HH and transfer you?
Thanks. I give up though, that is where I got the pre-qualifying thing. How can a subprime hold a pd col. fm 97' against someone? I don't understand it.
Hey All, I applied through Household for their MC. They recommended the Orchard Bank card. I applied and was approved for $750. But my questions is, how do I get the Household card?? Am I only able to apply for what they recommend?? TIA- -LB
I ended up applying for the GM card last night and was declined b/c of 'eccessive inquiries in last 6 months' 6 to be exact, 3 are mortgage shopping. Do you think after bumpage, if I applied again they would approve me? Isn't the gm card affiliated with HH?