When DH and I bottomed out in November, I had received a dunning letter from a CA in regards to this account for $40 (just the past due balance). Needless to say, I caught the account up on my own, and have been fighting with them ever since. They continued to report it as a collection. I wrote them 1 nice letter, was it still in collections? No response. I wrote a firmer letter, why are you ignoring me? No response. Well last night I received a Creditwatch Alert (do you ever get a sick/excited feeling when you get those?). Anyway, HHld deleted all my lates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My score jumped 27 points. I can truly start dreaming of being in the 600 club.
You have no idea. Congratulations on the deletions (if I had half your perserverence and knowledge when I started fixing my stuff, I'd be firmly in the 700 club by now. ) wajaba
OMG OMG, I didn't even catch this last night. Cap One also deleted all my lates! I haven't even asked yet! Interesting, I PFB'd them over the weekend to work out something on DH's charge off. I didn't give them his name or anything, (didn't want them to get any bright ideas) just mine. I gave them our hard luck story, and told them if they reviewed my 2 yr account history, that time period was NOT indicative of my long term habits with them. Do you think its coincidence? Geez, I went back and looked at my report for a 3rd time. I had a Beneficial account I refinanced in November into a new 4% loan. The old one closed at an R5 IT IS GONE!!!!!!! Pinching myself, hello, am I dreaming???????
That's pretty cool. I'm about to start a battle with Household right now.. hopefully, it won't be a long drawn out war
Update - this is absolutely the most bizarre thing I have ever heard of! I mentioned the three yesterday. Seems like there are more, I just didn't catch them (because they are gone) I get my mail today, in it is a new CR from CSC Dear Jlynn, Please find the results of your investigation blah blah Beneficial - Deleted Capital One - prior paying history deleted FNANB - deleted Foleys - deleted Foleys - deleted Household - the prior paying history has been deleted I go digging through my records. The only time these accounts were ever disputed together was on 11/18/2002!!!!!!!!!!!! via CRRR. Yes you read that correctly. This was my very first dispute, and during CHOD. I have absolutely never disputed HH or Cap One again, because the lates were so new. WTF? Not that I'm unhappy or anything.