household credit to raise limit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dwarner, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. dwarner

    dwarner Active Member

    does anyone have any suggestions on how to get household credit to raise my limit. my limit now is 300.00. it has been 1 year and nothing yet
  2. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    I've had my GM Card through Household for over a year, they've never raised my limit. I've asked for a non-pull limit raise, and they still won't raise it. My Citibank limit goes up frequently, my credit union card goes up, my Chevron card goes up...but not my GM Card through Household.
    I can't imagine that is the norm, but I figured I'd throw that out there.
  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Lucky for me when I got an $800 limit with them, I actually got it by applying for Best was combo w/ 1 pull...I had the ability to say no...I find them very stingy in everyway, I don't have any experience with them but I've never seen them do anything good either....thery're w/ crap1 as far as I'm concerned.....and not getting my $$
  4. jcohen73

    jcohen73 New Member

    household is terrible these days with limit increases. I had the card since i was in college (12 years) and by the time i got out of college the limit was atleast 5,000. my limit was 9.800 and just before my divorce i called and asked them to reduce the limit to 1,500 to protect myself. It has been over a year and they refuse to raise the limit. Imagine that, I called to reduce the limit and now they won't increase it! My Amex since then went from 3,000 to 31,000 and my citibank from about 6,000 to 19,500. I won't use my gm card (household) card now. Screw them. Not one late payment to them or anyone else during those 12 years. Makes no sense
  5. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    your AMEX went from 3K to 31K? Which AMEX card do you have? What time period did you get that kind of a limit increase?
  6. jcohen73

    jcohen73 New Member

    Well I had another amex account open since about 1999 which has a limit of $5,700. The account with the 31k was only open back in Nov or Dec 2003. Strange how I got all the increases. About 2-3 months ago the limit was 3k. I requested a credit increase and was bumped up to 6k. Then about 6 weeks ago I go an offer to do a balance transfer and they would increase the limit dollar for dollar up to 7k. So I did a 7k balance transfer, so now I had a credit line of 13k. Then 2 weeks later I got offered another balance transfer offering dollar for dollar increase up to 13k. So I did that one too. So had a limit of 26k, then combined the 5,000 from the other card to increase the limit to 31k.
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the board.

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