KHM's trick Please bear with me cause I am SO NOT computer saavy, but here's what I did and it worked, it also somehow changed my font! I went to whichever nagative item I already disputed, I clicked on "request investigation" then I picked the reason "never late" or whatever. The error "you've already disputed" popped up so I put in this link: I didn't think it would work, but I checked after and that item is in BLUE and says currently under investigation. YAY ME! lol BTW, in order to do it multiple times you have to sign out then sign back in, sry!
LMBO! KHM's Tricks! Way to go there, girl!! At this rate they will have to overhaul their whole system if they want to limit our ability to dispute. L
Re: How 2 dispute previous disputed I don't know Doc, I wouldn't realy hold your breath. I didn't print the page that accepted it, or the page after that said "under investigation" and now when i go back in, it doesn't say it. So be forewarned if this works for you, PRINT THE PAGE THE PAGE THAT SAYS ITEM CURRENTLY UNDER INVESTIGATION!!!!!
Re: How 2 dispute previous disputed Keep watching and let us know what happens, Soon we will have to have a whole forum on website tricks, LOL.
Re: How 2 dispute previous disputed KHM, My girl! You are a genious! And don't worry about your computer savvy. Here's a funny story - The movie industry in the late 90's spent millions of dollars on making sure DVD codes would be secure and couldn't be broken. Guess who eventually broke the code??? A 14 year old in Europe who was just curious GT
Re: How 2 dispute previous disputed Here's the "Extended KHM's Trick"... substitute the number "15" for the number "08" in her url, and it may work for inquiries... Doc
Re: How 2 dispute previous disputed Doc... Just confirmed that - it worked for me on an Asset Acceptance Inquiry that I was getting the "already investigated BS response to All Hail DOC! Scoob
Re: KHM's trick I get this error when I try this trick. What am I doing wrong? I first go to the item I want to have redisputed and click on it. Then I click on investigate and choose never late and then click on Submit. It takes me to the page that says it's already been disputed and then I go up to the address bar and copy the shortcut in there. Thats when I get an error: Error 500--Internal Server Error From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1: 10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. HELP!
Re: KHM's trick Mist- I think I typed it wrong (I was too excited). I believe I clicked on investigate then enter my reason, then clicked submit. But instead of clicking YES to confirm, THAT'S when you enter the URL. Try that, I only did one cause I'm at work and can't print from here. Remember to print out the page that shows under investigation.
Re: KHM's trick It worked! Cool! Thank you for this one. I also used Doc's for inquiries. I can't wait to see what happens next and if they'll be a score change.
Re: KHM's trick I have to say this, KHM: I'm impressed! Not sure what's going on, though. Had someone try it, entries became blue as in "under dispute". But when logged off and then on again, the entries disputed that way were no longer blue (i.e. no longer marked under dispute). Saar
Re: KHM's trick This is what happened to me too. I printed the page first but now it's gone when I log back in. It was only a soft inquiry that it wouldn't let me dispute because it said I already had? (weird, I know)
Re: KHM's trick i don't buy it....i suspect the instructions are telling the server how to paint the screen, not how to handle the dispute. go to check investigation status at the exp site and see if it shows as a pending investigation.
Re: KHM's trick I had that same problem after as well, thats why I mentioned printing that page that shows it being in blue. Hey if it doesn't work, well sorry, but anything is worth a shot. Buy it or not, I warned you guys I am NOT computer saavy
Re: KHM's trick why not just use adobe photoshop and accomplish the same thing? ... i tried it....nothing in "check investigation status" + when I log back on and try to dispute *again* i do NOT receive the pending investigation message. I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Re: KHM's trick Solzy- I don't know if I am taking the tone of your posts the wrong way, but I was sharing information that I thought would be useful, what you do or don't do with it is YOUR business. If it doesn't work for you or anyone then I apologize for even posting my suggestion. And I will state ONE MORE TIME, i am NOT computer saavy.