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How 2 dispute previous disputed EXP

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Apr 27, 2002.

  1. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    yeah, you are.

    It was a brilliant insight...had it turned out be true (and I can see how one would think it was true) it would have been more valuable than Doc's trick...particularly for those who need it. I just think ultimately its not doing what folks hope..for the reasons I stated. Which leaves the question of whether a saved screen is worth anything....and i don't think it is (you see your honor I tried to dispute and the system said I couldn't....so I hacked the java....)

    Again, I don't begrudge the post. I am reading and responding because it was potentially spectacular.
  2. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    Mine worked. I rechecked tonight and they are still showing as BLUE and Under Investigation.
  3. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    your inq's or the previously disputed. If the latter than what *exactly* did you do because the steps outlined above have not created persisting investigations for anyone else who has reported back, khm included.
  4. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    The only thing I know I had going on which was kooky was that I had two 'instances' of the "That item has already been investigated..." pages active. I think I clicked on 'new window' from my browser and then used the second 'instance' page to input the url. I can't be sure why it finally took. I spent about 15 minutes trying this thing and had a lot of open windows and clicked on a lot of stuff. All I know is that here it is many hours later and it still shows in dispute.
  5. comet

    comet Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    Please explain in detail. I have 2 items listed under potentially negative items. i tried the trick with no luck. Can someone walk me through the process.

  6. monicagee

    monicagee Well-Known Member

    kHM's trick (step by step)

    Okay Guys this is the step by step instruction to make this work.

    1. Login to your credit report.
    2. Select the negative item to dispute.
    3. Go thru the step of the reason disputing.
    4. Submit the dispute.
    5. You will receive the message that account has already been disputed blah, blah, blah. Do you want the review you report. Stop here in this browser.
    6. Open a new browser from the current open browser.
    7. Enter the url that KHM gave us.
    8. You will receive the message about ERROR 500.
    9. Hit the back space key.
    10. Go back to the orginal browser in step 5. Now review your current report. Everything should be in blue for a current investigation.

    Hope this helps.
  7. ahossen

    ahossen Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    hey dude,

    this trick is not working anymore. Anyone has a luck on that recently?


  8. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    I did this on 4/27 for two accounts. Both were listed as being investigated and were colored blue. At the time I made a printout and it included the report #. Now, it is not showing being investigated and is not colored blue so it has reverted to the way it was prior to 4/27 and the items remain. I've not received any correspondence from EXPERIAN to say that they've investigated.
  9. shopnspend

    shopnspend Active Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    I just this this today!!! I used the link KHM provided and deleted the word "true" at the end. I checked the report and it was highlighted in blue and currently being investigated!!!

    Time to dispute away!!!
  10. haybelly

    haybelly Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    6. Open a new browser from the current open browser.

    I am a computer idiot, what does this step mean?
  11. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    It means that while you have the window already open with CreditExpert for the dispute go up to File on your browser menu and click 'new' and then 'window'. A duplicate window of your previous one will appear. In the new duplicated browser window enter the url in the address bar and press enter or click 'go'.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    It works! Thanks KHM :)
  13. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    Still works!!
  14. SNDEVIL11

    SNDEVIL11 Active Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    how did you get it to stay in investigation. Mine say it then when i log back on its gone
  15. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    me too.. when i log back in it is gone..


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    2 of 3 stuck on the first try when I did it earlier today. I just redid the 3rd. Will check it in a few hours.
  17. T-Man

    T-Man Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick.Anyone had Success?

    Has anyone had a dispute stick using this trick?


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick.Anyone had Success?

    The 3rd will not stick but when I did it the 1254th time, it gave me a error message stating that it's currently under dispute but still did not add the blue background. (((sigh))) Oh well.
  19. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick.Anyone had Success?

    IT now says system unable to process your request at this time. Please try back later.
  20. gavenraj

    gavenraj Well-Known Member

    Re: KHM's trick

    Can you provide the link to KHM's trick, please. I have been trying things for days to no success.



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