How Bad is this???????

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Bea, Feb 16, 2001.

  1. Bea

    Bea Guest

    Hi all, I am new to this board but, I have a question. I had been trying to re-establish my credit for some time. I had been very successful in qetting some items removed from my credit report but, I have recently suffered a set back. Here goes this is how my credit report reads:

    1 paid collection
    1 account delinquent over 90 days now current
    (mortgage acct.)
    4 credit cards all paid as agreed never late
    2 installment loans paid as agreed never late
    2 car loans paid as agreed never late

    How paid does a recent delinquency on a mortgage account affect your credit score?

    How long should I wait to apply for any new credit? I have checked my credit report through Q-Space and I received a score of 591. I know that your credit report needs time to heal but, how long would it take with no more delinquents reported on any accounts for the recent delinquency not to have that much affect on my credit score? Any advise you could give would be helpful. Thanks

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