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How can FCNB verify?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by e557373, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. e557373

    e557373 Well-Known Member

    Just disputed some late pays with my EB / FCNB account that are 1-3 years old. EQ and EX both reported verified...

    If I can't call FCNB, how are the CRA's verifying with them? Anyone else have recent verifications from FCNB?
  2. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure why or how... but I had an old FCNB/EB charge-off appear on all of my reports in the last month... it is 6 years old. It has since been deleted from EXP and I am waiting out the investigation on TU and EQ... so we will see.
  3. e557373

    e557373 Well-Known Member

    That's the thing... I'm doubting that they even verified it, so I was considering calling them up and asking - but, they'll probably just want to start another dispute and I don't have my new round ready yet - and if I send others in later, they'll probably just extend the 30 days for FCNB...

    If it were the new company it should be listed as "CMS" (Card Managements Services or something like that)...
  4. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Write them for a procedural request... curious to know the method used for verification.
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Lie: saying they contacted the Creditor when they did not!
  6. e557373

    e557373 Well-Known Member

    Does a procedural request interfere with the normal 30 day dispute cycles, or is it a seperate request?

  7. prd2b

    prd2b Member

    I just received my monthly statement from FCNB and I noticed they refunded me my annual fee ($55.00), but then they recharged it to my account . . .with the notation that the account is now being handled by First National Bank of Omaha. That's what my statement says.

    They also put this website at the bottom to make payments, ask questions, etc.:


    Hope this helps.
  8. boomer

    boomer Well-Known Member

    I thought FCNB canceled all accounts??? Mine was canceled.
  9. prd2b

    prd2b Member

    Mine was cancelled too but they are now being taken over by First National Bank of Omaha. I still can't charge anything.

    It says:

  10. boomer

    boomer Well-Known Member

    Is First Mutual Bank of Omaha goign to reactivate all of the FCNB cards? I had a secured and more card which is closed now, I applied my security to my balance and paid off the card.
  11. prd2b

    prd2b Member

    I have no idea. I have $170 left to pay on the card.
  12. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    my old fcnb account showed up on exp last month. i disputed it and it was deleted on friday. I would write the cra a letter saying exactly what you said in your post. that you are unable to contact them to speak about this account. all accounts have been closed and they have no records. how did cra verify?

    i would send it as a modified proecedure request letter and see what happens!
  13. BAlZebub

    BAlZebub Well-Known Member

    I disputed FCNB on all 3 - EX deleted within 2 days, TU deleted within 3 days -- EQ still has it showing as DISPUTED... supposed to be finished on 08/08... I guess I will wait and see.

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