How can I have BAD credit, when I have NO credit history!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LilMeL, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. LilMeL

    LilMeL New Member


    This will be my first post. I came across this site searching for people who understand all this Latin. I've never owned a credit card in my life. I've only just had a bank account and that was opened when I was 17. My boyfriend who I have been living with for three years put me on as a secondary person to his new credit card. Which I have still yet to use. Well here is the problem. Everytime I go to apply for anything that requires a good credit score list me as having BAD credit. How can I have bad credit? I finally pulled down my credit report and found out that I have a 6.0 rating. And I also found out that I have two negative listings. One was for a medical bill that had been lost and not paid for for about a little over a year and gone to collections. That is for $1,200. And the other is for $1 one DOLLAR. From VA power. Which when it was paid for they actually sent me BACK money because I had sent them to much. So how could I possibly owe them? I don't have the paper work on that one. Well what I'd like to know is how can I get my credit rating up? And what should I do regarding the two negative claims. The only reason I didn't pay the medical bill was because I had been hounded so much for so long about it that was adding to my stress. (bills was about loosing my baby at six months and these people were yelling at me 24/7 about it) So when they stopped calling and mailing me I forgot about the bill. And now I have the money to pay it completely off. But who should I contact? The people the bill was originally from? Or the collection agency that took it over? I have no idea how to handle this. And what should I do regarding the 1$ I owe VA power. My boyfriend and I want to get a house and I need my credit rating to go up ASAP. Please any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Trilivonel

    Trilivonel Well-Known Member

    Actually, you do have a credit history - now. The medical bill is a history of credit. You just don't have any CCs or loans. I'm not too sure who you can work out an agreement regarding payment of the medical bills. Some of the more experienced message posters here can probably give you some helpful advice. Good luck!
  3. prissypoo

    prissypoo Well-Known Member

    If it was me, I would dispute the $1 VA listing with the CRA. If they verify it, then talk with them personally. In my experience, they usually don't care enough to verify and then it's removed.

    Good luck!

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