How can I improve score with student Loan late payments on record

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jokgga, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. jokgga

    jokgga Member


    I found out that I have a student loan which started repayment March 2008. I have not paid any of it because I thought this loan was in a forbearance and now my credit score has put this in a negative.
    I have a real low credit score and I am actively trying to improve it; however, I had to put all my student loans on forebearance to concentrate on my credit cards and getting rid of that debt ($6,000). At first I was planning on using a loan from my work which would give me up to 10,000 paying 9.5% interest. However because of this negative, I can not get that loan.
    I know if I pay the past due, it will still be on my credit report. I want to put this on forbearance but want to know any alternative solutions to put this in a positive as quick as possible. I know I can rehab this loan; however, how long will it take and how do I do it? If I pay the past due on the loan and then put it on forebearance, could that help me?

  2. wenker

    wenker Active Member

    call your lender

    The first thing you need to do is call your lender and ask them what your options are. If you qualify for a forebarance and any other programs. Most student loan issue can be quickly dealt with if you deal with it right away.
  3. jokgga

    jokgga Member

    but if I get a forebearance, will the negative still be on my credit report or will the CA take it away?
  4. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    This is with a CA?

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