How can they still report it??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Berru, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. Berru

    Berru Well-Known Member

    ok, I had an account with Beneficial/hfc that I never payed.(I know I was young and stupid). They sold the account to LHR who took me to court. My attorney got them to remove the matter total from my credit, they also said anything involving that issue. If I paid in full. So I paid in full. LHR has final removed the credit line (after 2 letters and 6 months) but Beneficial will not. I talked with Beneficial and was told it was sold to LHR, but they still plan on reporting it for the 7 years. So I ask If I would have made the payment with you, then you could have removed it? No we sold it, you could not even pay us. Then how do they have the right to report it? I see no reason in why I paid anything in the first place. How do I get this matter I paid for in full removed.

    Thanks for the help!!! I love this site!! My credit score is s l o w l y going up.
  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    If it is reporting as a $0 balance and sold or transferred, they have met their obligation and are allowed to report the prior history for the 7 years. And yes they are jerks, and will report it the entire period.

    They aren't bound by any agreements made with future owners of the account.
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Ah, the beauty of HSBC subsidaries . . .

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