How can be so far off?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ajoariz, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. ajoariz

    ajoariz Member

    Yeah, I'm locked out. I called customer service and confirmed it. The CSR couldn't see a reason why the lock was originally placed and he attempted to remove it and couldn't.

    I'm curious if they'll try to charge me next month for the service.
  2. MNguy

    MNguy Member

    It's there system they are having problems with it. It happened to me the other day you just need to call them. Takes like 5 minutes and then you can update and see your report.
  3. ajoariz

    ajoariz Member

    You might have missed in my last posting that I did call them. The CSR indicated that there was a block on the account. He attempted to remove the block and couldn't. He couldn't offer me any resolution to the issue so I'm assuming that's the end of it.

    I would use Truecredit as a monitoring service, but if they don't want me.....that's cool. I'll be watching to see if they attempt to charge me next month for the subscription.

    I believe that all information is valuable....good or bad. At least this board is aware now that there is a bit of undercurrent with this particular company. If you bring their service into question, they just may cut you off.
  4. wenker

    wenker Active Member

    my scores differ...

    I seem to have a reverse problem.

    My Truecredit is higher than the score I get from myfico, by almost 80 points.

    Makes me wonder if aything I feel like I have accomplished I have accomplished.

    I don't want to keep paying monthly if the service isn't worth it.

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