I am cleaning up post BK7, starting with my equifax. To date, I have disputed my current addy (which was listed as a previous addy) off my report, then I disputed the BK7, which came off because of incorrect info (YAY!) and now I am disputing one specific neg tradeline which was actually included in BK but which is showing as currently delinquent. I'm disputing as not mine b/c the balance is way off. So here's my question - how long is the CRA memory? How intelligent are they? I know they keep score, but do they keep track? For example, if I were to update my address, would they go back a couple months and see that I had disputed it previously? Would they bother looking for the correct BK information? If I started disputing my IIB tradelines, would they see that I had recently disputed a BK off and start wondering what was going on? Is there a certain time I should wait before disputing the IIB info to let the BK deletion "age" a while? All thoughts appreciated Poochie
bump, please? I disputed something on TU and they picked up on my BK even though they had missed it til now. How do these %*$(%) work??
What did you dispute for your BK? I know you said "incorrect info", but could you be more specific? Thanks. Shawn
yes, I disputed a bad addy and on TL that was shown as late when it was actually closed, but didn't disturb the addy that they had as current, which is NOT the same one I filed BK under and is in a different state. But somehow they picked up on the BK info and now it's there, larger than life, on my TU report. I disputed it off my EQ report, but I'm uncertain how to continue cleaning up that report as I don't want it to come back. I'm just trying to get a sense of whether they track all these disputes and cross reference their data - for example, I disputed my current addy off EQ before I disputed the BK. If I apply for credit, will they put this addy back on and then re-stick the BK? HOw do these suckers think?
i have three current addresses on my EQ because i lived at different residences when i applied for credit, and each month that one of those TL's report it changes my address. EQ blames the creditors for what address is showing. So if you apply for credit, I don't think they would think anything of it because they could have entered a completely wrong address and EQ doesn't pay any attention. When you apply for credit, it is done by computer and they are only going to send the most current report.