To accurately answer this question, we need a few details. To help, we would need to know what you are suing TU for, and why. But here are a few steps if you truly wish to bring a case: 1) Make sure your case is solid! -Do your homework reading the laws, (Fair Credit Reporting Act, etc.), know your state's laws as well. -Gather all your documentation and evidence. You will need "proof" of damages. 2) Know exactly what you are suing for: what law have they broken? What damages has it caused? What evidence do you have to support your case? 3) If you feel you have a solid case, then most likely you will want to sue in small claims court. Your best move is to go to your local court house and ask for both the paperwork to file, and about their process. 4) You will have to find the local office where an "official officer" of the comapny can be reached by Certified Mail for serving of papers. So, do your homework on that also. Please forward more details so that an accurate reply can be given.